Percepciones sobre los roles de género entre los estudiantes del 1ro a 5to grado de secundaria de la institución educativa San Roque, distrito de los Olivos, en el año 2017
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La presente investigación es de diseño descriptivo, no experimental y de tipo deductivo. En el cual el objetivo general es determinar las percepciones sobre los roles de género entre los estudiantes del 1ro a 5to grado de secundaria de la Institución Educativa San Roque, la muestra estuvo conformada por 60 estudiantes.
The present investigation is of descriptive design, non experimental and of deductive type. Whose general objetive is to determine the perceptions about gender roles among students from 1st to 5th grade of secondary school in San Roque's educational Institution, the population was composed of 60 students.
The present investigation is of descriptive design, non experimental and of deductive type. Whose general objetive is to determine the perceptions about gender roles among students from 1st to 5th grade of secondary school in San Roque's educational Institution, the population was composed of 60 students.
Percepción, Roles de género, Espacio público y doméstico, Estudiantes, Institución educativa, Perception, Gender roles, Student, Educational institution, Public space