Estilos de aprendizaje en los estudiantes de 4to. y 5to. año de secundaria de la institución educativa estatal Nº 2063 “Coronel José Félix Bogado” del distrito del Rímac - Lima, 2018
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La presente investigación tiene como objetivo conocer el estilo de aprendizaje predominante en los estudiantes de 4to. y 5to. año de secundaria de una IEE de la ciudad de Lima, se utilizó el tipo de investigación descriptivo. La muestra fue de 94 estudiantes en edades entre 15 a 18 años de edad, correspondiente al turno tarde y matriculados 2018 en la Institución Educativa Estatal Nº 2063 “Coronel José Félix Bogado” del distrito del Rímac. Se utilizó el Cuestionario de los Estilos de Aprendizaje (CHAEA) elaborado por Honey y Alonso y adaptado en el Perú por Capella et. (2002). Los resultados mostraron que el estilo de aprendizaje predominante es el estilo de aprendizaje pragmático seguido del estilo teórico, ambos ubicados en la categoría alta.
The present investigation has as objective to know the learning style predominant in the students of 4th. and 5th. high school year of an IEE in the city of Lima, the type of descriptive research was used. The sample was 94 students in ages between 15 and 18 years of age, corresponding to the late shift and enrolled 2018 in the State Educational Institution N”2063 “Colonel José Félix Bogado” of the Rímac district. There was in use the Questionnaire of the Styles of Learning (CHAEA) elaborated by Honey and Alonso and adapted in Perú for Capella et (2002). The results showed that the style of predominant learning is the pragmatic learning followed by the theoretical style both located in the high category. On the other hand, the results are discussed in function to the levels of the styles of learning.
The present investigation has as objective to know the learning style predominant in the students of 4th. and 5th. high school year of an IEE in the city of Lima, the type of descriptive research was used. The sample was 94 students in ages between 15 and 18 years of age, corresponding to the late shift and enrolled 2018 in the State Educational Institution N”2063 “Colonel José Félix Bogado” of the Rímac district. There was in use the Questionnaire of the Styles of Learning (CHAEA) elaborated by Honey and Alonso and adapted in Perú for Capella et (2002). The results showed that the style of predominant learning is the pragmatic learning followed by the theoretical style both located in the high category. On the other hand, the results are discussed in function to the levels of the styles of learning.
Aprendizaje, Estilos de aprendizaje, Estudiantes, Rendimiento académico, Conducta, Learning, Styles of learning, Students, Academic performance and conduct