Procrastinación académica en estudiantes universitarios de una Universidad Privada de Lima – Cercado
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La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo primordial determinar el nivel de procrastinación académica en los estudiantes universitarios de una Universidad Privada de Lima - Cercado. El método que se utilizó fue de tipo descriptivo, con un diseño no experimental, con un corte transversal, la muestra es de tipo censal y estuvo conformada por 120 estudiantes universitarios de edades entre 17 a 48 años de ambos sexos de los primeros ciclos 3ero y 4to.
The main objective of this research was to determine the level of academic procrastination in university students of a Private University of Lima - Cercado. The method used was a descriptive type, with a non-experimental design, with a cross section, the sample is census-type and was composed of 120 university students aged 17 to 48 years of both sexes of the first cycles 3 and 4th
The main objective of this research was to determine the level of academic procrastination in university students of a Private University of Lima - Cercado. The method used was a descriptive type, with a non-experimental design, with a cross section, the sample is census-type and was composed of 120 university students aged 17 to 48 years of both sexes of the first cycles 3 and 4th
Procrastinación, Universitarios, Procrastinación académica, Autorregulación académica, Postergación de actividades, Procrastination, University, Academic procrastination, Academic self-regulation, Postponement of activities