Bienestar laboral en los operarios del almacén de la empresa – Perubar S.A, en la Provincia Constitucional del Callao, Periodo 2018
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Universidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega
La presente investigación tiene por objetivo determinar el nivel de bienestar laboral en los operarios del almacén de la empresa - Perubar S.A, en la Provincia Constitucional del Callao, Periodo 2018. El estudio corresponde a una investigación de tipo descriptiva, de nivel básica y con un enfoque cuantitativo de acuerdo al manejo de los datos. El diseño de la investigación es no experimental, de corte transversal. El universo de la población se conforma por 60 operarios del almacén de la empresa – Perubar S.A. y la muestra fue censal, debido a la reducida cantidad de participantes. La técnica empleada para la recolección de la información fue la encuesta y el instrumento utilizado fue el cuestionario de Bienestar Laboral, la cual evalúa cinco dimensiones del bienestar laboral: factor logro, factor reconocimiento, factor trabajo en sí, factor responsabilidad y factor promoción. La conclusión a la que se llego fue que el bienestar laboral de los operarios de la empresa Perubar es medio en un nivel medio igual a 58%, producto de un conjunto de factores que no está permitiendo que los operarios puedan tener un bienestar laboral pleno.
The objective of this research is to determine the level of work well-being in the workers of the company's warehouse - Perubar SA, in the Constitutional Province of Callao, Period 2018. The study corresponds to a descriptive, basic level research with a quantitative approach according to the handling of the data. The research design is non-experimental, cross-sectional. The universe of the population consists of 60 operators of the company's warehouse - Perubar S.A. and the sample was censal, due to the small number of participants. The technique used for the collection of the information was the survey and the instrument used was the Labor Welfare questionnaire, which evaluates five dimensions of labor welfare: achievement factor, recognition factor, work factor itself, responsibility factor and promotion factor. The conclusion reached was that the work welfare of the workers of the company Perubar is average at a level equal to 58%, product of a set of factors that is not allowing operators to have a full working well-being.
The objective of this research is to determine the level of work well-being in the workers of the company's warehouse - Perubar SA, in the Constitutional Province of Callao, Period 2018. The study corresponds to a descriptive, basic level research with a quantitative approach according to the handling of the data. The research design is non-experimental, cross-sectional. The universe of the population consists of 60 operators of the company's warehouse - Perubar S.A. and the sample was censal, due to the small number of participants. The technique used for the collection of the information was the survey and the instrument used was the Labor Welfare questionnaire, which evaluates five dimensions of labor welfare: achievement factor, recognition factor, work factor itself, responsibility factor and promotion factor. The conclusion reached was that the work welfare of the workers of the company Perubar is average at a level equal to 58%, product of a set of factors that is not allowing operators to have a full working well-being.
Bienestar laboral, Satisfacción laboral, Clima laboral, Necesidades, Desarrollo personal, Labor wellbeing, Job satisfaction, Work climate, Needs, Personal development