Diskinesia escapular: Enfoque en terapia manual ortopédica
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Se realizó el trabajo de investigación, cuyo propósito fue conocer sobre la diskinesia escapular y su aplicación de la terapia manual ortopédica como tratamiento fisioterapéutico en los pacientes que la padecen esta disfunción que tiene como principales signos y síntomas la debilidad muscular y limitación de la movilidad articular.
La diskinesia escapular se define como una alteración de la posición o de los movimientos normales de la escápula durante los movimientos glenohumerales, esta alteración de la ubicación escapular puede tomar dos formas, ambas nocivas: Que la escápula no sea suficientemente estable, como en el caso de parálisis del serrato anterior o, bien al contrario, que la escápula no sea suficientemente móvil.
En este trabajo se exponen las características de los segmentos que conforman la cintura escapular: Partes óseas, articulaciones, ligamentos, músculos comprometidos, etc. Proporcionando información sobre conceptos biomecánicos y neuromusculares implicados en el desarrollo de la cinemática escapular normal para así lograr la identificación de sus alteraciones y ser analizados desde la relación teórico-práctica de la fisioterapia y rehabilitación, trascendiendo en cada una de sus estructuras, huesos, con sus respectivos ligamentos y los músculos que hacen parte de esta cadena cinética. Se espera explicar los movimientos: Flexión, extensión, abducción, aducción.
La finalidad de mi trabajo es dar a conocer respecto a la diskinesia escapular un tema que pocos conocen, pero muchos la padecen y conocer también la terapia manual ortopédica como tratamiento fisioterapéutico en esta disfunción. Finalmente se hace algunas sugerencias y recomendaciones
The research was carried out, whose purpose was to know about scapular dyskinesia and its application of manual orthopedic therapy as a physiotherapeutic treatment in patients who suffer from this dysfunction that has as main signs and symptoms the limitation of joint mobility and pain. Scapular dyskinesia is defined as an alteration of the position or normal movements of the scapula during glenohumeral movements. This alteration of the scapular location can take two forms, both of which are harmful: that the scapula is not stable enough, as in the case Of paralysis of the anterior serratus or, on the contrary, that the scapula is not sufficiently mobile. In this work the characteristics of the segments that conform the shoulder girdle are exposed. Bony parts, joints, ligaments, compromised muscles, etc., providing information on biomechanical and neuromuscular concepts involved in the development of normal scapular kinematics in order to identify their alterations and be analyzed from the theoretical theoretical relationship of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation, Transcending in each one of its structures, bones, with their respective ligaments and the muscles that are part of this kinetic chain. It is expected to explain the movements: Flexion, Extension, Abduction, Adduction. The purpose of my work is to make known about this scapular dyskinesia that few know, but many suffer and also know the manual orthopedic therapy as an optional physiotherapeutic treatment in this dysfunction. Finally some suggestions and recommendations are made.
The research was carried out, whose purpose was to know about scapular dyskinesia and its application of manual orthopedic therapy as a physiotherapeutic treatment in patients who suffer from this dysfunction that has as main signs and symptoms the limitation of joint mobility and pain. Scapular dyskinesia is defined as an alteration of the position or normal movements of the scapula during glenohumeral movements. This alteration of the scapular location can take two forms, both of which are harmful: that the scapula is not stable enough, as in the case Of paralysis of the anterior serratus or, on the contrary, that the scapula is not sufficiently mobile. In this work the characteristics of the segments that conform the shoulder girdle are exposed. Bony parts, joints, ligaments, compromised muscles, etc., providing information on biomechanical and neuromuscular concepts involved in the development of normal scapular kinematics in order to identify their alterations and be analyzed from the theoretical theoretical relationship of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation, Transcending in each one of its structures, bones, with their respective ligaments and the muscles that are part of this kinetic chain. It is expected to explain the movements: Flexion, Extension, Abduction, Adduction. The purpose of my work is to make known about this scapular dyskinesia that few know, but many suffer and also know the manual orthopedic therapy as an optional physiotherapeutic treatment in this dysfunction. Finally some suggestions and recommendations are made.
Cinemática escapular, Limitación funcional, Disfunción articular, Hipomovilidad, Cintura escapular, Scapular kinematics, Functional limitation, Joint dysfunction, Hipomovility, Scapular girdle