Tratamiento fisioterapéutico en esguince crónico de tobillo
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El esguince de tobillo es una de las patologías musculo esqueléticas más frecuentes tanto para el deportista como para la población en general, presentándose en el 30 % de las lesiones deportivas causando pérdida considerable de tiempo por discapacidad, y un costo elevado en la atención médica.
La lesión más frecuente se presenta en el ligamento lateral en el 85% de los casos, 10% comprometen la sindesmosis y 5% el ligamento deltoideo.
El esguince de tobillo se clasifica en 3 grados dependiendo de las características clínicas y de los hallazgos del examen físico, con lo cual se puede definir el tipo de manejo y el pronóstico.
Dado que es una patología frecuente que acarrea morbilidad y discapacidad en los casos donde no se identifica precozmente, es importante conocer la fisiopatología y los mecanismos de lesión y de cicatrización para realizar una adecuada evaluación y diagnóstico para el correcto abordaje de estos pacientes.
The ankle sprain is one of the most common skeletal muscle pathologies for both the athlete and the general population, presenting in 30% of sports injuries causing considerable loss of time due to disability and a high cost in medical care. The most frequent lesion occurs in the lateral ligament in 85% of the cases, 10% compromise the syndesmosis and 5% the deltoid ligament. The ankle sprain is classified into 3 degrees depending on the clinical characteristics and findings of the physical examination, which can define the type of management and the prognosis. Since it is a frequent pathology that causes morbidity and disability in cases where it is not identified early, it is important to know the pathophysiology and mechanisms of injury and healing to perform an adequate evaluation and diagnosis for the correct approach of these patients.
The ankle sprain is one of the most common skeletal muscle pathologies for both the athlete and the general population, presenting in 30% of sports injuries causing considerable loss of time due to disability and a high cost in medical care. The most frequent lesion occurs in the lateral ligament in 85% of the cases, 10% compromise the syndesmosis and 5% the deltoid ligament. The ankle sprain is classified into 3 degrees depending on the clinical characteristics and findings of the physical examination, which can define the type of management and the prognosis. Since it is a frequent pathology that causes morbidity and disability in cases where it is not identified early, it is important to know the pathophysiology and mechanisms of injury and healing to perform an adequate evaluation and diagnosis for the correct approach of these patients.
Esguince, Esguince crónico, Tobillo, Fisioterapia, Sprain, Chronic sprain, Ankle, Physical therapy