Soporte familiar en adolescentes trabajadores de la calle del distrito de la Victoria, sector gamarra, periodo febrero – agosto del año 2017
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La presente investigación tiene como objetivo identificar cuáles son las características del soporte familiar de los adolescentes trabajadores de la calle del distrito de la Victoria sector Gamarra, periodo Febrero – Agosto 2017. La investigación se caracteriza por ser de tipo descriptivo, diseño no experimental y de enfoque mixto. Para la obtención de los datos estadísticos se aplicaron las encuestas: “características del soporte familiar”, constituido con 16 ítems, los cuales están conformados por 3 dimensiones; según el Tipo familiar, la dinámica familiar y la economía familiar; La población total está compuesta por 57 adolescentes trabajadores de la calle, la muestra es representada por el 100% de esta. Se concluyó que el 51% de la población objetivo está conformada por el sexo masculino y un 33% por el sexo femenino, entre en rango de edad de 12 a 17 años, seguido de un 51% que nos indica que la gran mayoría de adolescentes trabajadores proviene de familias monoparentales, un 67% nos confirma un alto índice de buena comunicación familiar y un 53% señala una buena relación afectiva entre adolescente y familia, en cuando a la dimensión económica familiar un 74% nos muestra el compromiso que tiene el adolescente trabajador con su familia, indicando que la gran parte de la población ayuda a la economía familiar, siendo esta ayuda de manera bilateral, debido a que un 61% de adolescentes manifiestan también recibir apoyo económico por parte de su familia
The objective of this research is to identify the characteristics of family support for adolescent street workers in the district of La Victoria sector Gamarra, from February to August 2017. The research is characterized by being descriptive, non-experimental design and mixed approach. To obtain the statistical data, the surveys were applied: "characteristics of family support", constituted with 16 items, which are made up of 3 dimensions; according to Family type, family dynamics and family economy; The total population is composed of 57 adolescent street workers, the sample is represented by 100% of this. It was concluded that 51% of the target population is made up of men and 33% of women, between the ages of 12 and 17, followed by 51%, which indicates that the vast majority of adolescents workers come from single-parent families, 67% confirm a high rate of good family communication and 53% indicate a good emotional relationship between adolescents and family, in 74% of the family economic dimension shows the commitment of the adolescent worker with his family, indicating that the large part of the population helps the family economy, being this aid bilaterally, since 61% of adolescents also report receiving financial support from their family
The objective of this research is to identify the characteristics of family support for adolescent street workers in the district of La Victoria sector Gamarra, from February to August 2017. The research is characterized by being descriptive, non-experimental design and mixed approach. To obtain the statistical data, the surveys were applied: "characteristics of family support", constituted with 16 items, which are made up of 3 dimensions; according to Family type, family dynamics and family economy; The total population is composed of 57 adolescent street workers, the sample is represented by 100% of this. It was concluded that 51% of the target population is made up of men and 33% of women, between the ages of 12 and 17, followed by 51%, which indicates that the vast majority of adolescents workers come from single-parent families, 67% confirm a high rate of good family communication and 53% indicate a good emotional relationship between adolescents and family, in 74% of the family economic dimension shows the commitment of the adolescent worker with his family, indicating that the large part of the population helps the family economy, being this aid bilaterally, since 61% of adolescents also report receiving financial support from their family
Soporte familiar, Familia, Adolescente, Trabajo adolescente, Dinámica familiar, Family support, Family, Adolescent, Adolescent work, Family dynamics