Clima social familiar en padres de niños con necesidades educativas especiales del Programa de Intervención Temprana Buenos Aires de Villa en el distrito de Chorrillos
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Universidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega
El presente estudio tiene como objetivo determinar el nivel del clima social familiar en
los padres de niños con necesidades educativas especiales del PRITE Buenos Aires de Villa, del
distrito de Chorrillos. Este estudio es de enfoque descriptivo y de diseño no experimental, de
corto transversal, y fue aplicado a 70 padres de familia. Para lograr medir el clima social familiar
de estos padres de familia, se recurrió al uso del instrumento empleado denominado Escala del
Clima Social Familiar (FES). Se puede concluir que a nivel general el 55,71% de los padres, se
sitúan en la categoría Promedio. En la dimensión Relaciones el 70% destaca en la categoría
promedio, asimismo el 45,71% de los padres, mantienen un nivel Promedio en la dimensión
Desarrollo y por último, en la dimensión Estabilidad, el 55,71% se sitúan en la categoría
Promedio. A nivel general, el clima social familiar en este estudio se encuentra en un nivel
promedio con tendencia a buena.
The objective of this study is to determine the level of family social climate in the parents of children with special educational needs in Buenos Aires de Villa, Chorrillos district. This study is of a descriptive and non-experimental design, with a short cross section, and was applied to 70 parents. To measure the family social climate of these parents, resort to the use of the instrument used with the name of Family Social Climate Scale (FES). It can be concluded that at a general level, 55.71% of parents are in the Average category. In the Relationship dimension 70% Outstanding in the average category, also 45.71% of the parents, maintenance in the Average level in the Development dimension and finally, in the Stability dimension, 55.71% are in the Average category. At a general level, the family social climate in this study is at an average level with a good tendency.
The objective of this study is to determine the level of family social climate in the parents of children with special educational needs in Buenos Aires de Villa, Chorrillos district. This study is of a descriptive and non-experimental design, with a short cross section, and was applied to 70 parents. To measure the family social climate of these parents, resort to the use of the instrument used with the name of Family Social Climate Scale (FES). It can be concluded that at a general level, 55.71% of parents are in the Average category. In the Relationship dimension 70% Outstanding in the average category, also 45.71% of the parents, maintenance in the Average level in the Development dimension and finally, in the Stability dimension, 55.71% are in the Average category. At a general level, the family social climate in this study is at an average level with a good tendency.
Clima social, Familia, Niños con necesidades educativas especiales, Comunicación familiar, Social climate, Family, Children with special educational needs, Family communication