Satisfacción laboral percibida por los colaboradores de Rotoplas en el área de producción, período 2019
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Universidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega
La presente investigación tiene por objetivo determinar el nivel de satisfacción
laboral percibida por los colaboradores de Rotoplas en el área de producción, Lima –
período 2019. El estudio es de tipo descriptiva y con un enfoque cuantitativo de acuerdo
al manejo de datos. El diseño que se utilizó es no experimental (ex post facto), de corte
La población lo comprendió 40 colaboradores que laboran en la empresa Rotoplas
y la muestra fue intencional, no probabilística y de tipo censal, representado por la
totalidad de la población. El instrumento utilizado para la recolección de datos fue la
encuesta de la satisfacción laboral tomado de Ortiz Delgadillo.
Concluyendo que la satisfacción laboral de los colaboradores de la empresa
Rotoplas, responde a un nivel poco satisfecho igual al 70% lo cual evidencia que las
condiciones y beneficios laborales, así como el ambiente laboral y las expectativas
personales de los colaboradores no se encuentran cubiertas con lo que la organización les
The objective of this research is to determine the level of job satisfaction perceived by Rotoplas collaborators in the production area, Lima -period 2019. The study is descriptive and with a quantitative approach according to data management. The design used is nonexperimental (ex post facto), cross-sectional. The population was comprised of 40 employees who work in the Rotoplas company and the sample was intentional, not probabilistic and of census type, represented by the entire population. The instrument used for data collection was the survey of job satisfaction taken from Ortiz Delgadillo. Concluding that the job satisfaction of the employees of the Rotoplas company, responds to an unmet level equal to 70%, which shows that the working conditions and benefits, as well as the work environment and personal expectations of employees are not covered by what the organization offers them.
The objective of this research is to determine the level of job satisfaction perceived by Rotoplas collaborators in the production area, Lima -period 2019. The study is descriptive and with a quantitative approach according to data management. The design used is nonexperimental (ex post facto), cross-sectional. The population was comprised of 40 employees who work in the Rotoplas company and the sample was intentional, not probabilistic and of census type, represented by the entire population. The instrument used for data collection was the survey of job satisfaction taken from Ortiz Delgadillo. Concluding that the job satisfaction of the employees of the Rotoplas company, responds to an unmet level equal to 70%, which shows that the working conditions and benefits, as well as the work environment and personal expectations of employees are not covered by what the organization offers them.
Satisfacción laboral, Colaboradores, Organización