Mejoramiento de los servicios de avituallamientos de buques en una proveeduría marítima
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Para empezar se han encontrado deficiencias en diversas áreas de las proveedurías marítimas, que actualmente se vienen posicionando en el mercado del comercio exterior, por ello al evaluarlas notaremos que hay varias áreas que no están funcionando como deberían, ya que han surgió varias quejas por parte de los clientes con respecto a la entrega de sus productos a tiempo, o en otros casos la calidad de servicio que ofrecen y también lo productos son de baja calidad, por ello decidimos sugerir algunos puntos de mejorar para que se puedan incrementar los servicios dentro de las proveedurías marítima, entonces al realizar un pequeño estudio de las áreas que se tendrían que reforzar nos basamos en buscar mejoraras como brindar un servicio adicional, y mejorar el área de despacho y compras que son las más afectadas, entonces este cambio dentro de la cadena logística de la empresa llevara a que incrementen los servicios y por ende obtener mayor ingresos y aumentar nuestra cartera de clientes.
Para lograr las mejoras sugeridas nos hemos basado en las diversas estrategias de marketing, que nos ayudaran a mejorar las áreas principales de la proveeduría marítima, entonces al final se mostrara el diseño de la cadena logística nueva que seguirá la empresa para lograr incrementar sus exportaciones o servicios, en el cual comparando con el diseño anterior, se notara el cambio ya que podrá ser reconocida no solo por la calidad y trato a los clientes sino al brindar un servicio completo logrando la satisfacción plena del cliente
To start, some deficiencies have been found in various areas of maritime procurement, which are currently positioning themselves in the foreign trade market, so when evaluating them we will notice that there are several areas that are not working as they should, since several complaints have arisen on the part of the clients regarding the delivery of their products on time, or in other cases the quality of service they offer and also the products are of low quality, for that reason we decided to suggest some points of improvement so that the services within the maritime supplies, then when making a small study of the areas that would have to be reinforced we base ourselves on looking for improvements such as providing an additional service, and improving the area of dispatch and purchases that are the most affected, then this change in the company will lead to increase services and therefore obtain more revenue and get more customers. In order to achieve the suggested improvements, we have based ourselves on the different marketing strategies that will help us improve the main areas of maritime procurement, then at the end we will show the design of the new logistics chain that the company will follow to increase this exports or services, in which, comparing with the previous design, the change will be noticed since it can be recognized not only for the quality and good services for their clients, but also for providing a complete service, achieving the full satisfaction of the client
To start, some deficiencies have been found in various areas of maritime procurement, which are currently positioning themselves in the foreign trade market, so when evaluating them we will notice that there are several areas that are not working as they should, since several complaints have arisen on the part of the clients regarding the delivery of their products on time, or in other cases the quality of service they offer and also the products are of low quality, for that reason we decided to suggest some points of improvement so that the services within the maritime supplies, then when making a small study of the areas that would have to be reinforced we base ourselves on looking for improvements such as providing an additional service, and improving the area of dispatch and purchases that are the most affected, then this change in the company will lead to increase services and therefore obtain more revenue and get more customers. In order to achieve the suggested improvements, we have based ourselves on the different marketing strategies that will help us improve the main areas of maritime procurement, then at the end we will show the design of the new logistics chain that the company will follow to increase this exports or services, in which, comparing with the previous design, the change will be noticed since it can be recognized not only for the quality and good services for their clients, but also for providing a complete service, achieving the full satisfaction of the client
Proveeduría marítima, Abastecedor de busques, Logística, Calidad, Comercio exterior, Maritime procurement, Shipchandler, Logistic, Quality, Foreign trade