Enfoque fisioterapéutico en el punto gatillo miofascial
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El síndrome de dolor miofascial es un complejo de síntomas sensoriales, motores y autonómicos causados por puntos gatillo miofasciales y estos como puntos de exquisita sensibilidad e hiperirritabilidad localizados en una banda tensa palpable, en músculos o su fascia, que producen una respuesta de contracción local de las fibras musculares por un tipo específico de palpación y si es lo suficientemente hiperirritable, da lugar a dolor, sensibilidad y fenómenos autonómicos, así como la disfunción en zonas por lo general distantes de su sitio de origen. Con una alta prevalencia en la población general, y responsable de gran parte de discapacidades y disfunciones en ámbitos laborales y actividades de la vida cotidiana.
Myofascial pain syndrome is a complex of sensory, motor and autonomic symptoms caused by myofascial trigger points and these as points of exquisite sensitivity and hyperirritability located in a palpable tense band, in muscles or its fascia, which produce a local contraction response. muscle fibers by a specific type of palpation and if it is sufficiently hyperirritable, it gives rise to pain, sensitivity and autonomic phenomena, as well as dysfunction in areas usually distant from their site of origin. With a high prevalence in the general population, and responsible for many disabilities and dysfunctions in work environments and activities of daily life.
Myofascial pain syndrome is a complex of sensory, motor and autonomic symptoms caused by myofascial trigger points and these as points of exquisite sensitivity and hyperirritability located in a palpable tense band, in muscles or its fascia, which produce a local contraction response. muscle fibers by a specific type of palpation and if it is sufficiently hyperirritable, it gives rise to pain, sensitivity and autonomic phenomena, as well as dysfunction in areas usually distant from their site of origin. With a high prevalence in the general population, and responsible for many disabilities and dysfunctions in work environments and activities of daily life.
Miofascial, Hiperirritante, Infiltración, Disfunción, Alteraciones, Myofascial, Hyperirritante, Infiltration, Dysfunction, Alterations