Nivel de conocimiento y su relación a la adherencia al tratamiento en pacientes hipertensos del programa adulto y adulto mayor, policlínico fiori mayo 2017
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Universidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega
El presente trabajo académico denominado nivel de conocimiento y su relación a la adherencia al tratamiento en pacientes hipertensos del programa adultoy adulto mayor de Policlínico Fiori EsSalud 2017, cuyo objetivo es determinar el nivel de conocimiento y su relación a la adherencia al tratamiento en pacientes hipertensos, dirigido a personas con hipertensión arterial del programa del adulto –adulto mayor de la jurisdicción de San Martin de Porres.
The present academic work named level of knowledge and its relation to adherence to treatment in hypertensive patients of the adult and older adult program of Policlínico Fiori EsSalud 2017, whose objective is to determine the level of knowledge and its relation to adherence to treatment in hypertensive patients , aimed at people with hypertension of the adult program -adult mayor of the jurisdiction of San Martin de Porres.
The present academic work named level of knowledge and its relation to adherence to treatment in hypertensive patients of the adult and older adult program of Policlínico Fiori EsSalud 2017, whose objective is to determine the level of knowledge and its relation to adherence to treatment in hypertensive patients , aimed at people with hypertension of the adult program -adult mayor of the jurisdiction of San Martin de Porres.
Nivel de conocimiento, Adherencia al tratamiento, Pacientes hipertensos, Level of knowledge, Adherence to treatment, Hypertensive patients