Calidad de atención farmacéutica y satisfacción del usuario del Hospital Nacional Hipólito Unanue, Lima-Perú 2015
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Universidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega
El objetivo principal de esta investigación, fue determinar el nivel de calidad de atención respecto a sus dimensiones (Modelo SERVQUAL) y la satisfacción que se brinda al usuario externo el Servicio de Farmacia del Hospital Nacional Hipólito Unanue, con la finalidad de establecer un diagnóstico situacional y plantear alternativas de solución ante las deficiencias en la gestión de calidad del servicio.
Para el desarrollo de esta investigación, se ha realizado un estudio descriptivo, de tipo correlacional, retrospectivo y de corte transversal, respecto a la evaluación del Servicio de Farmacia, considerando las dimensiones de calidad de atención en el Hospital Nacional Hipólito Unanue. La población estuvo constituida por 4,752 y la muestra por 356 pacientes, se planteó como hipótesis principal, que el nivel de calidad de atención se relaciona con sus dimensiones y la satisfacción del usuario externo el servicio de farmacia.
Las principales conclusiones fueron: que la Calidad de Atención está en relación con el Servicio de Farmacia del Hospital Nacional Hipólito Unanue, basado en la diferencia entre lo percibido y la expectativa del usuario externo, se determinó que los niveles de calidad de atención es Baja (53,9%), Modesta (5,9%) y Alta (40,2%).
El Nivel de la Calidad de Atención que se brinda al usuario externo, se relaciona con la importancia que tiene la dimensión de calidad elementos tangibles y fiabilidad.
Se recomienda que en la evaluación de la calidad de atención, se tome en cuenta las dimensiones de calidad del servicio farmacéutico, con importancia en las dimensiones elementos tangibles y fiabilidad.
The main objective of this research was to determine the level of quality of care regarding its dimensions (SERVQUAL Model) and satisfaction that the external user is given the Pharmacy Service of the National Hospital Hipólito Unanue, in order to establish a situational analysis and suggest alternative solutions to the deficiencies in the management of service quality. For the development of this research is a descriptive correlational study, retrospective and cross-sectional, regarding the evaluation of the Pharmacy, considering the dimensions of quality of care at the National Hospital Hipolito Unanue. The population consisted of 4,752 and 356 sample patients, was raised as a main hypothesis, that the level of quality of care is related to its size and external user satisfaction the pharmacy. The main conclusions were that the quality of care is related to the Pharmacy Department of Hipolito Unanue National Hospital, based on the difference between the perceived and the expectation of external user, it was determined that the levels of quality of care is low ( 53.9%), Modesta (5.9%) and high (40.2%). The level of quality of care that is provided to the external user is related to the importance of the quality dimension tangibles and reliability. It is recommended that in assessing the quality of care, taking into account the dimensions of quality of pharmacy service, size importance in tangibles and reliability.
The main objective of this research was to determine the level of quality of care regarding its dimensions (SERVQUAL Model) and satisfaction that the external user is given the Pharmacy Service of the National Hospital Hipólito Unanue, in order to establish a situational analysis and suggest alternative solutions to the deficiencies in the management of service quality. For the development of this research is a descriptive correlational study, retrospective and cross-sectional, regarding the evaluation of the Pharmacy, considering the dimensions of quality of care at the National Hospital Hipolito Unanue. The population consisted of 4,752 and 356 sample patients, was raised as a main hypothesis, that the level of quality of care is related to its size and external user satisfaction the pharmacy. The main conclusions were that the quality of care is related to the Pharmacy Department of Hipolito Unanue National Hospital, based on the difference between the perceived and the expectation of external user, it was determined that the levels of quality of care is low ( 53.9%), Modesta (5.9%) and high (40.2%). The level of quality of care that is provided to the external user is related to the importance of the quality dimension tangibles and reliability. It is recommended that in assessing the quality of care, taking into account the dimensions of quality of pharmacy service, size importance in tangibles and reliability.
Calidad de atención, Servicio de farmacia, Dimensiones de calidad, Modelo servqual, Quality of care, Pharmacy service, Size quality, Servqual model