La gestión administrativa de los trabajadores sociales y su relación con la satisfacción de los usuarios del servicio de emergencia en el hospital nacional Arzobispo Loayza de Lima al 2016
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El objetivo del presente estudio reporta los resultados de la gestión administrativa de los trabajadores sociales y su relación con la satisfacción de los usuarios del servicio de emergencia en el Hospital Nacional Arzobispo Loayza de Lima al 2016
El estudio está enmarcado en una investigación de tipo Aplicativo, porque está dirigido a la solución de problemas prácticos, de una aplicación inmediata en el sentido de que sus resultados servirán para ser empleados como conocimientos nuevos dirigidos a la superación de la realidad laboral en que se desenvuelven los trabajadores sociales.
El nivel de investigación es descriptivo-observacional porque se describió y observó los diversos fenómenos o acontecimientos del usuario interno (personal) y usuarios externos (pacientes) de tal manera que permitió un análisis e interpretación real de los hechos frente a las características propias de cada uno de ellos.
Con respecto a los resultados se ha encontrado: La Aplicación de la gestión Administrativa del Talento Humano en las Trabajadoras Sociales, mejora significativamente el nivel de calidad de atención a los pacientes según su percepción en el Hospital Arzobispo Loayza de Lima.
The objective of the present study reports the results of the administrative management of social workers and their relation with the satisfaction of the users of the emergency service in the National Hospital Arzobispo Loayza de Lima to 2016 The study is framed in an investigation of type Application, because it is directed to the solution of practical problems, of an immediate application in the sense that its results will serve to be employed as new knowledge directed to the overcoming of the labor reality in which Social workers develop. The level of research is descriptive-observational because it was described and observed the various phenomena or events of the internal user (personal) and external users (patients) in such a way that allowed a real analysis and interpretation of the facts versus the characteristics of each one of them. Regarding the results, it has been found: The Application of the Administrative Management of Human Talent in Social Workers, significantly improves the level of quality of care to patients according to their perception in the Hospital Arzobispo Loayza de Lima.
The objective of the present study reports the results of the administrative management of social workers and their relation with the satisfaction of the users of the emergency service in the National Hospital Arzobispo Loayza de Lima to 2016 The study is framed in an investigation of type Application, because it is directed to the solution of practical problems, of an immediate application in the sense that its results will serve to be employed as new knowledge directed to the overcoming of the labor reality in which Social workers develop. The level of research is descriptive-observational because it was described and observed the various phenomena or events of the internal user (personal) and external users (patients) in such a way that allowed a real analysis and interpretation of the facts versus the characteristics of each one of them. Regarding the results, it has been found: The Application of the Administrative Management of Human Talent in Social Workers, significantly improves the level of quality of care to patients according to their perception in the Hospital Arzobispo Loayza de Lima.
Gestión, Gestión administrativa, Satisfacción del usuario, Trabajador social, Calidad de atención, Capacitación, Modelo de intervención, Management, Administrative management, User satisfaction, Social worker, Quality of care, Training, Intervention model