Marketing digital para el incremento de las ventas en una agencia de carga
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Universidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega
Este estudio tuvo como objetivo examinar el rol que cumple el marketing digital, y
p<reticularmente el uso herramientas como las redes digitales sociales, en la mejora de las
ventas de una empresa del rubro agenciamiento de carga. A partir de una revisión
bibliográfica y mediante la aplicación de estrategias de levantamiento de información como
cuestionarios y entrevistas se buscó identificar hasta qué punto el uso de elementos de
marketing podría tener un impacto relevante para el desarrollo del negocio. Se presenta una
propuesta esquemática sobre el diseño y uso de algunas herramientas de marketing digital
que pueden ser implementados a bajo costo y con pocos recursos, para posteriormente, con
base en los resultados alcanzados, apostar por herramientas más sofisticadas. Asimismo se
presentan los resultados tanto a nivel cuantitativo y cualitativo de la información recogida
de un grupo de 6 expertos del sector, quienes brindaron su apreciación acerca del uso de las
estrategias de marketing digital en las empresas de agencia de carga. Estos resultados dan a
entender de la necesidad real que se tiene en las empresas de este rubro de incorporar
herramientas de marketing digital, así como su importancia para el crecimiento y
posicionamiento de las empresas, y finalmente los beneficios que se pueden obtener como
The objective of this study was to examine the role of digital marketing, and in particular the role of tools such as social networks, in improving the sales of a cargo agency company. Based on a literature review and the use of information gathering strategies such as questionnaires and interviews, we sought to identify to what extent the use of marketing tools could have a relevant impact on business development. A schematic proposal is presented on the implementation of some digital marketing tools that can be implemented at low cost and with few resources, for later, based on the results, to bet on more sophisticated tools. Likewise, the results are presented both quantitatively and qualitatively of the information collected from a group of 6 experts of the sector, who gave their appreciation about the use of digital marketing tools in the cargo agency companies. These results suggest the real need for companies in this area to incorporate digital marketing tools, as well as their importance for the growth and positioning of companies, and finally the benefits that can be obtained as an organization.
The objective of this study was to examine the role of digital marketing, and in particular the role of tools such as social networks, in improving the sales of a cargo agency company. Based on a literature review and the use of information gathering strategies such as questionnaires and interviews, we sought to identify to what extent the use of marketing tools could have a relevant impact on business development. A schematic proposal is presented on the implementation of some digital marketing tools that can be implemented at low cost and with few resources, for later, based on the results, to bet on more sophisticated tools. Likewise, the results are presented both quantitatively and qualitatively of the information collected from a group of 6 experts of the sector, who gave their appreciation about the use of digital marketing tools in the cargo agency companies. These results suggest the real need for companies in this area to incorporate digital marketing tools, as well as their importance for the growth and positioning of companies, and finally the benefits that can be obtained as an organization.
Marketing digital, Agencia de carga, Redes sociales, Digital marketing, Lading agency, Social networks