Técnicas de evaluación fisioterapéutica en alteraciones de alineamiento de la columna vertebral
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La postura se define como una alineación corporal, equilibrio muscular, articular y esquelético, caracterizando la sustentación del propio cuerpo. Los cambios posturales son más comunes de lo que creemos, tienen una incidencia considerable tantos en niños como adultos; dando así las patologías como; hipercifocis, hiperlordosis, escoliosis, etc. que cambian el alineamiento adecuado de la columna vertebral; es por ello que existen diversos tipos de técnicas para identificar, diferenciar, analizar y evaluar la postura.
The posture is defined as a body alignment, muscular, joint and skeletal balance, characterizing the sustentation of the body itself. Postural changes are more common than we think, they have a considerable incidence in both children and adults; thus giving the pathologies as; hypercifocis, hyperlordosis, scoliosis, etc. that change the proper alignment of the spine; that is why there are different types of techniques to identify, differentiate, analyze and evaluate posture.
The posture is defined as a body alignment, muscular, joint and skeletal balance, characterizing the sustentation of the body itself. Postural changes are more common than we think, they have a considerable incidence in both children and adults; thus giving the pathologies as; hypercifocis, hyperlordosis, scoliosis, etc. that change the proper alignment of the spine; that is why there are different types of techniques to identify, differentiate, analyze and evaluate posture.
Postura, Métodos de evaluación postural, Alteraciones de la columna vertebral, Evaluación postural, Terapia física, Posture, Postural evaluation methods, Spinal alterations, Postural evaluation, Physical therapy