Estilos de liderazgo y el desempeño laboral de los colaboradores de la empresa PUIG Perú S.A.
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Universidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega
La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo determinar la influencia quetienen los estilos de liderazgo en el desempeño laboral de los colaboradores dela empresa PUIG Perú. El nivel de investigación fue aplicado, tipo explicativo, método y diseño ex-post
facto. La población estuvo conformada por 202 colaboradores, la muestra estudiada fue de 133 colaboradores seleccionados mediante un muestreo probabilístico aleatorio simple al 95% de confiabilidad. El instrumento utilizado para medir las variables fue el cuestionario constituido por 56 preguntas para determinar la influencia que tienen los estilos de liderazgo en el desempeño laboral. Se aplicó una prueba piloto con 60 colaboradores para medir la confiabilidad por consistencia interna del
instrumento. Luego se sometió a la Estadística de Fiabilidad el coeficiente Alpha de Cronbach con el resultado de 0.830.
Los datos que se obtuvieron luego de la aplicación del instrumento fueron ingresados al programa SPSS 24.0 para Windows, con el cual se hallaron las frecuencias y porcentajes.
The aim of the present investigation was to determine the influence that the styles of leadership have in the work performance of the collaborators of PUIG Peru company. The level of research was applied, explanatory type, method and design ex-post facto. The population was comprised of 202 collaborators, the sample studied was of 133 collaborators by a simple random sampling to 95% of reliability. The instrument used to measure the variables was the questionnaire consisting of 56 questions to determine the influence of leadership styles on job performance. A pilot test was applied with 60 collaborators to measure the reliability by internal consistency of the instrument. It was then subjected to the Cronbach Alpha coefficient reliability with the result of 0.830. The data that were obtained after the application of the instrument were entered into the program SPSS 24.0 for Windows, with that was found in the frequencies and percentages.
The aim of the present investigation was to determine the influence that the styles of leadership have in the work performance of the collaborators of PUIG Peru company. The level of research was applied, explanatory type, method and design ex-post facto. The population was comprised of 202 collaborators, the sample studied was of 133 collaborators by a simple random sampling to 95% of reliability. The instrument used to measure the variables was the questionnaire consisting of 56 questions to determine the influence of leadership styles on job performance. A pilot test was applied with 60 collaborators to measure the reliability by internal consistency of the instrument. It was then subjected to the Cronbach Alpha coefficient reliability with the result of 0.830. The data that were obtained after the application of the instrument were entered into the program SPSS 24.0 for Windows, with that was found in the frequencies and percentages.
Estilos de liderazgo, Desempeño laboral, Estilo transformacional, Estilo transaccional, Estilo permisivo, Leadership styles, Job performance, Transformational style, Transactional style, Permissive style