La demanda de formación profesional del ingeniero administrativo y el reposicionamiento de la imagen institucional de la facultad de ingeniería administrativa de la Universidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega
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Universidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega
El estudio es un análisis de la formación profesional del Ing. Administrativo y el
reposicionamiento de la imagen institucional de la Facultad de Ingeniería
Administrativa de la Universidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega, a sus 47 años de vida institucional en el País. Mientras existe una alta demanda de formación profesional de estudiantes de pregrado en Lima Metropolitana, el problema de la Facultad es tener una baja demanda y oferta educativas; y corresponde a las autoridades de la Facultad tomar decisiones y acciones urgentes para revertir la tendencia y brecha.
Como egresado de la Facultad de Ing. Administrativa alcanzo esta modesta
contribución a mejorar el reposicionamiento de su imagen institucional, aporte que sirva a su vez para encaminar a la Facultad hacia una organización moderna, competitiva y rentable. El estudio es una investigación aplicada correlacional y descriptiva que mediante un cuestionario de treintaicinco preguntas distribuidas en tres bloques se aplicó a una muestra de alumnos y egresados de Ing. Administrativa.
Los resultados establecen que la demanda de formación profesional del Ing.
Administrativo tiene una relación positiva con las dimensiones de su imagen
institucional. La conclusión final es que en los últimos cinco años, la demanda de formación profesional de los Ing. Administrativos es decreciente, debido a una baja imagen institucional de la Facultad; contrariamente existe en el entorno una alta demanda de formación profesional, desaprovechada por la Facultad
The study is an analysis of the professional training of the Administrative Engineer and the repositioning of the institutional image of the Faculty of Administrative Engineering of the Inca Garcilaso de la Vega University, to its 47 years of institutional life in the country. While there is a high demand for professional training of undergraduate students in Metropolitan Lima, the problem of the Faculty is to have a low educational demand and supply; And it is up to the authorities of the Faculty to make decisions and urgent actions to reverse the tendency and gap. As a graduate of the Faculty of Administrative Engineering, I have achieved this modest contribution to improving the repositioning of its institutional image, a contribution that in turn serves the Faculty towards a modern, competitive and profitable organization. The study is a correlational and descriptive applied research that through a questionnaire of thirty-five questions distributed in three blocks was applied to a sample of students and graduates of Administrative Eng. The results establish that the demand of professional formation of the Administrative Engineer has a positive relation with the dimensions of its institutional image. The final conclusion is that in the last five years, the demand for professional training of Administrative Engineers is decreasing, due to a low institutional image of the Faculty; In contrast, there is a high demand for professional training, which is wasted by the Faculty
The study is an analysis of the professional training of the Administrative Engineer and the repositioning of the institutional image of the Faculty of Administrative Engineering of the Inca Garcilaso de la Vega University, to its 47 years of institutional life in the country. While there is a high demand for professional training of undergraduate students in Metropolitan Lima, the problem of the Faculty is to have a low educational demand and supply; And it is up to the authorities of the Faculty to make decisions and urgent actions to reverse the tendency and gap. As a graduate of the Faculty of Administrative Engineering, I have achieved this modest contribution to improving the repositioning of its institutional image, a contribution that in turn serves the Faculty towards a modern, competitive and profitable organization. The study is a correlational and descriptive applied research that through a questionnaire of thirty-five questions distributed in three blocks was applied to a sample of students and graduates of Administrative Eng. The results establish that the demand of professional formation of the Administrative Engineer has a positive relation with the dimensions of its institutional image. The final conclusion is that in the last five years, the demand for professional training of Administrative Engineers is decreasing, due to a low institutional image of the Faculty; In contrast, there is a high demand for professional training, which is wasted by the Faculty
Formación profesional, Posicionamiento, Imagen institucional, Professional training, Positioning, Institutional image