Anatomía del periodonto macroanatomia y microanatomia del periodonto
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Universidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega
El periodonto es el tejido que rodea a la pieza dentaria y que presenta como función la de protección y soporte. El presente trabajo académico tiene como objetivo recopilar la información vigente y actualizada sobre las estructuras macroanatómicas y micro anatómicas del periodonto de inserción y del periodonto de protección. Se presentan los aspectos más relevantes y básicos de la estructura anatómica de la encía, el hueso alveolar, el ligamento periodontal, el cemento radicular y el fluido gingivocrevicular. También se describen las células predominantes de estos tejidos, sus interacciones y principales funciones. En ocasiones los procedimientos de cirugía periodontal pueden verse acompañados de ciertos riesgos relacionados con la ubicación de estructuras anatómicas importantes, así como la existencia de algunas variantes anatómicas. Se pueden prevenir accidentes y complicaciones intraquirúrgicas y posquirúrgicas con una buena planificación y un sólido conocimiento claro de la anatomía, de sus estructuras profundas y superficiales encontrados durante la intervención quirúrgica. Se concluye que las interrelaciones entre el ligamento periodontal, cemento radicular y el hueso alveolar son fundamentales para la homeostasis del periodonto y lograr una inserción clínica apropiada que pueda contrarrestar los efectos de la inflamación periodontal. El conocimiento de estas relaciones y estructuras es de vital importancia para el clínico en general y el cirujano periodontal.
The periodontium is the tissue that surrounds the tooth and that has as a function that of protection and support. The objective of this review is to compile current and updated information on the microanatomical and microanatomic structures of the insertion periodontium and the protection periodontium. The most relevant and basic aspects of the anatomical structure of the gingiva, the alveolar bone, the periodontal ligament, the radicular cement and the gingivocrevicular fluid are presented. The predominant cells of these tissues, their interactions and main functions are also described. Sometimes periodontal surgery procedures may be accompanied by certain risks related to the location of important anatomical structures as well as the existence of some anatomical variants. Accidents and intra-surgical and postsurgical complications can be prevented with good planning and a clear knowledge of the anatomy of the deep and superficial structures found during the surgical intervention. We conclude that the interrelationships between the periodontal ligament, root cement and the alveolar bone are fundamental for periodontal homeostasis and achieve an appropriate clinical insertion that can counteract the effects of periodontal inflammation. The knowledge of these relationships and structures is of vital importance for the general practitioner and the periodontal surgeon.
The periodontium is the tissue that surrounds the tooth and that has as a function that of protection and support. The objective of this review is to compile current and updated information on the microanatomical and microanatomic structures of the insertion periodontium and the protection periodontium. The most relevant and basic aspects of the anatomical structure of the gingiva, the alveolar bone, the periodontal ligament, the radicular cement and the gingivocrevicular fluid are presented. The predominant cells of these tissues, their interactions and main functions are also described. Sometimes periodontal surgery procedures may be accompanied by certain risks related to the location of important anatomical structures as well as the existence of some anatomical variants. Accidents and intra-surgical and postsurgical complications can be prevented with good planning and a clear knowledge of the anatomy of the deep and superficial structures found during the surgical intervention. We conclude that the interrelationships between the periodontal ligament, root cement and the alveolar bone are fundamental for periodontal homeostasis and achieve an appropriate clinical insertion that can counteract the effects of periodontal inflammation. The knowledge of these relationships and structures is of vital importance for the general practitioner and the periodontal surgeon.
Anatomía periodontal, Anatomía microestructura y macroestructura del periodonto, Biología estructural del periodonto, Macro anatomía y micro anatomía periodontal, Arquitectura gingival, Periodontal anatomy, Anatomy, Microstructure and macrostructure of the periodontium, Structural biology of the periodontium, Macro anatomy and periodontal micro anatomy, Gingival architecture