Cuidados de enfermería a neonato en ventilación de alta frecuencia oscilatoria
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Universidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega
Se presenta el caso de un neonato de 35 semanas de sexo femenino, que se encuentra en Ventilación de alta frecuencia oscilatoria, nacido de parto eutócico, con peso de 2200 gramos, Apgar 8 al minuto y 9 a los 5 minutos referido del Centro de Salud Huando, ingresa al Hospital Regional Zacarias Correa Valdivia de Huancavelica, con distrés respiratorio desde el nacimiento, en mal estado general, polipnéico, requiriendo de apoyo ventilatorio, con palidez generalizada, llenado capilar de 5- 6 segundos; en tórax: con murmullo vesicular disminuido en Hemitorax derecho, con tiraje sub costal, pulso no palpable; Neurologicamente: hipoactivo, hiporreactivo, y con hipotonía general.
The case of a 35 weeks old female sex neonate is presented, who is in high frequency oscillatory ventilation, born of childbirth eutocic, with a weight of 2200 grams, Apgar 8 to the minute and 9 to 5 minutes, referred from Huando Health Center, get into the Regional Hospital Zacarías Correa Valdivia of Huancavelica, with respiratory distress from birth, the neonate enter in bad general condition, polyphonic, requiring ventilatory support, with generalized pallor, capillary filling of 5 – 6 seconds; in chest: with decreased vesicular murmur in right hemithorax, with subcostalretraction, pulse not palapable; Neurological: hypoactive, hyporeactive and general hypotonia.
The case of a 35 weeks old female sex neonate is presented, who is in high frequency oscillatory ventilation, born of childbirth eutocic, with a weight of 2200 grams, Apgar 8 to the minute and 9 to 5 minutes, referred from Huando Health Center, get into the Regional Hospital Zacarías Correa Valdivia of Huancavelica, with respiratory distress from birth, the neonate enter in bad general condition, polyphonic, requiring ventilatory support, with generalized pallor, capillary filling of 5 – 6 seconds; in chest: with decreased vesicular murmur in right hemithorax, with subcostalretraction, pulse not palapable; Neurological: hypoactive, hyporeactive and general hypotonia.
Cuidados de enfermería, Neonato, Ventilación, Distrés respiratorio, Nursing care, Neonate, Ventilation, Respiratory distress