Las cuentas por cobrar y sus efectos en la gestion contable de las micro y pequeñas empresas (mypes) de servicios de certificaciones vehiculares – Lima metropolitana periodo 2015
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El trabajo de investigación tiene como objetivo principal establecer que las cuentas por cobrar impacta favorablemente en la gestión contable; donde se determina la gran problemática causa efecto de la deficiente gestión contable, consistiendo en determinar el nivel de eficiencia y estrategias en la recuperación de las cuentas por cobrar.
The research work Its main objective is to establish that accounts receivable has a favorable impact on accounting management; where the great problem is determined causes the effect of poor accounting management, consisting of determining the level of efficiency and strategies in the recovery of accounts receivable.
The research work Its main objective is to establish that accounts receivable has a favorable impact on accounting management; where the great problem is determined causes the effect of poor accounting management, consisting of determining the level of efficiency and strategies in the recovery of accounts receivable.
Cuentas por cobrar, Gestión contable, Tasa de morosidad, Incobrabilidad de créditos, Toma de decisiones, Políticas de crédito, Accounts receivable, Accounting management, Delinquency rate, Loan uncollectibility, Decision