Implementación de sistema de control interno en el proceso logístico y su impacto en la rentabilidad de la empresa neptunia S.A. gestión 2015
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Universidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega
El análisis realizado en la presente investigación es para definir qué impacto generara la implementación de un sistema de control en el proceso logístico y que resultados se obtendrían en la rentabilidad, asimismo nos servirá para evaluar y analizar de qué manera una planificación adecuada influye en la gestión logística.
El tipo de investigación planteado responde a un diseño no experimental de corte transversal
La metodología aplicada se centró en el análisis documental, así como la aplicación de encuestas procediéndose posteriormente al procesamiento de datos los cuales fueron ordenados y representados también en forma gráfica
The analysis carried out in the present investigation is to define what impact the implementation of a control system will have on the logistics process and what results would be obtained in terms of profitability, as well as to evaluate and analyze how proper planning influences management Logistics. The type of research proposed responds to a non-experimental cross-sectional design The methodology applied was focused on the documentary analysis as well as the application of surveys proceeding later to the processing of data which were sorted and represented also in graphic form
The analysis carried out in the present investigation is to define what impact the implementation of a control system will have on the logistics process and what results would be obtained in terms of profitability, as well as to evaluate and analyze how proper planning influences management Logistics. The type of research proposed responds to a non-experimental cross-sectional design The methodology applied was focused on the documentary analysis as well as the application of surveys proceeding later to the processing of data which were sorted and represented also in graphic form
Control interno, Gestión logística, Planificación, Rentabilidad, Dirección y organización, Internal control, Logistics management, Planning, Profitability, Direction and organization