Estructuras Caracterológicas en los estudiantes del ciclo anual turno mañana de la Academia Pitágoras de Lima Metropolitana, 2017
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La investigación se aplicó a una muestra de 77 estudiantes del ciclo anual turno mañana de la academia Pitágoras de Lima Metropolitana, con el objetivo principal de determinar e identificar las diferentes circunstancias de los tipos de estructuras caracterológicas en los alumnos. El tipo de investigación es aplicada y de un enfoque cuantitativo, con un diseño no experimental de corte transversal; Nivel Descriptivo. El instrumento de medición fue el Cuestionario Caracterológico de Gastón Berger. Revisión 2006. El procesamiento de datos que se utilizó fue el Software SPSS versión 22 y Ms Excel 2016. En los resultados de la investigación se determina el tipo de estructura caracterológica Flemático, con un porcentaje de 25%. Por ello, se pretende teóricamente iniciar una reflexión sobre el tema y de manera práctica, retomar los esfuerzos para desarrollar un trabajo integral y multidisciplinario
The research was applied to a sample of 77 students of the annual cycle turn tomorrow of the Pitágoras academy of Metropolitan Lima, with the main objective of determining and identifying the different circumstances of the types of characterological structures in the students. The type of research is applied and of a quantitative approach, with a non-experimental cross-sectional design; Descriptive Level. The instrument of measurement was the Gaston Berger Characteristic Questionnaire. Revision 2006. The data processing used was SPSS software version 22 and Ms Excel 2016. The results of the research determine the type of phonological character structure, with a percentage of 25%. For this reason, it is theoretically intended to initiate a reflection on the subject and in a practical way, to resume the efforts to develop an integral and multidisciplinary work.
The research was applied to a sample of 77 students of the annual cycle turn tomorrow of the Pitágoras academy of Metropolitan Lima, with the main objective of determining and identifying the different circumstances of the types of characterological structures in the students. The type of research is applied and of a quantitative approach, with a non-experimental cross-sectional design; Descriptive Level. The instrument of measurement was the Gaston Berger Characteristic Questionnaire. Revision 2006. The data processing used was SPSS software version 22 and Ms Excel 2016. The results of the research determine the type of phonological character structure, with a percentage of 25%. For this reason, it is theoretically intended to initiate a reflection on the subject and in a practical way, to resume the efforts to develop an integral and multidisciplinary work.
Carácter, Descriptivo, Estudiantes, Investigación, Character, Descriptive, Students, Investigation