Nivel de habilidades sociales en estudiantes de la academia pre universitaria APPU del distrito el Agustino, 2017
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El objetivo general de esta investigación fue determinar el nivel de habilidades sociales en estudiantes de la academia pre universitaria APPU del distrito El Agustino, 2017. Esta investigación, de tipo descriptiva, diseño no experimental y corte transversal, contó con una población de 101 estudiantes. El instrumento utilizado fue la Escala de Habilidades Sociales (EHS) de Elena Gismero, adaptada a la población peruana por el psicólogo Cesar Ruiz Alva. La información fue procesada mediante el programa Excel y SPSS 22. La muestra estuvo conformada por 80 estudiantes adolescentes. Los resultados obtenidos manifiestan que el 44% presenta un nivel deficiente, el 25% un nivel bajo, 15% un nivel óptimo, el 14% un nivel alto y el 2% un nivel normal, lo que significa que un gran porcentaje de estudiantes poseen muy pocas habilidades sociales, observadas en todas las dimensiones, resultados que se tomaron en cuenta para la elaboración del programa de intervención
The general objective of this research was to determine the level of social skills in students of the APPU pre-university academy of the Agustino district, 2017. This research of descriptive type, non-experimental design and transversal section, had a population of 101 students. The instrument used was The Social Skills Scale (EHS) of Elena Gismero, adapted to the Peruvian population by the psychologist Cesar Ruiz Alva. The information was processed using the Excel and SPSS 22 programs. The sample consisted of 80 adolescent students. The results show that 44% have a poor level, 25% have a low level, 15% have an optimal level, 14% a high level and 2% a normal level, which means that a large percentage of students have very few social skills, observed in all dimensions, results that were taken into account for the development of the intervention program
The general objective of this research was to determine the level of social skills in students of the APPU pre-university academy of the Agustino district, 2017. This research of descriptive type, non-experimental design and transversal section, had a population of 101 students. The instrument used was The Social Skills Scale (EHS) of Elena Gismero, adapted to the Peruvian population by the psychologist Cesar Ruiz Alva. The information was processed using the Excel and SPSS 22 programs. The sample consisted of 80 adolescent students. The results show that 44% have a poor level, 25% have a low level, 15% have an optimal level, 14% a high level and 2% a normal level, which means that a large percentage of students have very few social skills, observed in all dimensions, results that were taken into account for the development of the intervention program
Habilidades sociales, Estudiantes pre universitarios, Adolescentes, Autoexpresión, Iniciar interacciones, Social skills, Pre-university students, Adolescents, Self expression, Initiate interactions