Las mujeres que trabajaban en el área de cirugía del Hospital de las Cinco Llagas de Sevilla durante los siglos XVI al XVIII
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Departamento de Enfermería. Consejo de Enfermería de la Comunidad Valenciana. Universidad de Alicante.
El objetivo de este trabajo es conocer el área de cirugía del Hospital de las Cinco Llagas y el conjunto de personas que trabajaban en él, principalmente, las enfermeras de cirugía desde 1500 a 1808. En cuanto a la metodología, la primera fase del estudio comprendió una revisión archivística de fuentes primarias de diversos archivos y bibliográfica de fuentes secundarias para conocer el estado de la cuestión. Acto seguido se he procedido a interpretar y analizar los datos. Los resultados principales nos indican que esta área sólo recibía a mujeres heridas, que eran internadas en la sala de cirugía, llamada de San Juan, donde recibían el cuidado de la madre cirujana y sus doncellas quienes seguían las prescripciones dadas por el cirujano. Los instrumentos manejados en esta área eran las vendas, pinzas, jeringas, tijeras, cuchillos, sierras, hierros para cauterizar e incluso un instrumento ginecológico llamado el speculum matricis. Los resultados indican que este hospital podría ser un reflejo del desarrollo de la cirugía y de su personal en los hospitales castellanos de la Edad Moderna. Área que se encontraría bastante estructurada a fines del siglo XVI en el que destaca el binomio cirujano y enfermera de cirugía y el papel crucial que desempeño esta última en la atención del herido en un hospital castellano.
The objective of this work is to know the area of surgery of the Hospital of the Five Wounds and the group of people who worked there, mainly, the surgical nurses from 1500 to 1808. Regarding the methodology, the first phase of the study included an archival review of primary sources of diverse archives and bibliographic of secondary sources to know the state of the question. Then, I proceeded to interpret and analyze the data. The main results indicate that this area only received wounded women, who were admitted to the surgery room, called San Juan, where they received the care of the surgeon mother and her maids who followed the prescriptions given by the surgeon. The instruments handled in this area were bandages, tweezers, syringes, scissors, knives, saws, irons to cauterize and even a gynecological instrument called the speculum matricis. The results indicate that this hospital could be a reflection of the development of the surgery and its personnel in the Castilian hospitals of the Modern Age. Area that would be quite structured at the end of the 16th century, in which the binomial surgeon and surgery nurse stand out and the crucial role that the latter plays in the care of the injured in a Spanish hospital.
The objective of this work is to know the area of surgery of the Hospital of the Five Wounds and the group of people who worked there, mainly, the surgical nurses from 1500 to 1808. Regarding the methodology, the first phase of the study included an archival review of primary sources of diverse archives and bibliographic of secondary sources to know the state of the question. Then, I proceeded to interpret and analyze the data. The main results indicate that this area only received wounded women, who were admitted to the surgery room, called San Juan, where they received the care of the surgeon mother and her maids who followed the prescriptions given by the surgeon. The instruments handled in this area were bandages, tweezers, syringes, scissors, knives, saws, irons to cauterize and even a gynecological instrument called the speculum matricis. The results indicate that this hospital could be a reflection of the development of the surgery and its personnel in the Castilian hospitals of the Modern Age. Area that would be quite structured at the end of the 16th century, in which the binomial surgeon and surgery nurse stand out and the crucial role that the latter plays in the care of the injured in a Spanish hospital.
Cirugía, Enfermeras de cirugía, Cirujano, Hospital, Sevilla, Edad moderna, Surgery, Surgery nurses, Surgeon, Modern age