Diseño de una red privada virtual para la optimización de las comunicaciones en la empresa comunicaciones e informática SAC caso: redes de datos
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Universidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega
La Empresa Comunicaciones e Informática dedicada a la venta de productos y servicios informáticos, luego de un estudio del mercado decidieron abrir una nueva sede en Trujillo por ello la empresa se ve en la necesidad de tener comunicación con la sede remota y viceversa, como principal requisito para la productividad empresarial en dicha sede. Por tal motivo es necesario la implementación de una VPN para la interconexión de dichas sedes, aplicando políticas de configuración como son: Calidad de servicio (QoS), Alta disponibilidad a nivel de default Gateway (HSRP), Protocolo de enrutamiento BGP, Segmentación de red en la LAN de la sede principal, Diseño jerárquico de la red LAN en la sede principal. Para ello es necesario hacer un estudio y seguir una metodología, el cual para el desarrollo de esta tesis se utilizó la metodología Cisco. La describo a continuación en el desarrollo de mi tesis.
La presente tesis consistió en el desarrollo de la metodología Cisco que consta de las siguientes fases desarrolladas: Planificación, Diseño, Implementación, Operación y Optimización, el cual me sirvió de guía y base para el diseño de la red teniendo en cuenta los requerimientos de la empresa
The Communications and Information company dedicated to selling products and services, after a market survey decided to open a new headquarters in Trujillo why the company is in the need for communication with the remote site and vice versa, as the main requirement for business productivity in that place. Therefore implementing a VPN for the interconnection of these sites is necessary, applying configuration policies such as: Quality of Service (QoS), high availability level of default gateway (HSRP) routing protocol BGP, Network Segmentation on the LAN of the headquarters, hierarchical design LAN at headquarters. This requires a study and follows a methodology, which for the development of this thesis Cisco methodology was used. I describe below in the development of my thesis. This thesis was the development of the Cisco methodology consists of the following developed phases: Planning, Design, Implementation, Operation and Optimization, which served as a guide and basis for the design of the network, taking into account the requirements of the company.
The Communications and Information company dedicated to selling products and services, after a market survey decided to open a new headquarters in Trujillo why the company is in the need for communication with the remote site and vice versa, as the main requirement for business productivity in that place. Therefore implementing a VPN for the interconnection of these sites is necessary, applying configuration policies such as: Quality of Service (QoS), high availability level of default gateway (HSRP) routing protocol BGP, Network Segmentation on the LAN of the headquarters, hierarchical design LAN at headquarters. This requires a study and follows a methodology, which for the development of this thesis Cisco methodology was used. I describe below in the development of my thesis. This thesis was the development of the Cisco methodology consists of the following developed phases: Planning, Design, Implementation, Operation and Optimization, which served as a guide and basis for the design of the network, taking into account the requirements of the company.
VPN, QoS, Gateway, HSRP, BGP, LAN, VPN, QoS, Gateway, HSRP, BGP, LAN