Estilos parentales en estudiantes de 4to y 5to de secundaria de una institución educativa estatal de Lima Metropolitana
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El presente estudio es de tipo descriptivo y diseño de corte transversal. El objetivo general es determinar el nivel de los estilos parentales en estudiantes de 4to y 5to de secundaria de una institución educativa estatal de Lima Metropolitana. La muestra estuvo conformada por 164 alumnos de 14 y 17 años de edad. El instrumento utilizado fue Estilos Parentales Disfuncionales (MOPS). Los resultados reportaron que en la escala de estilos parentales se evidenció principalmente un nivel medio en sus dos subescalas: madre y padre (62.8%; 78%); así mismo, se mostró tendencia alta de los estilos parentales (36% y 20.7%) en madres y padres respectivamente. En cuanto a la dimensión de indiferencia se encontró niveles altos tanto en madres como padres (31.1%, 31.7%); así mismo, en la dimensión de abuso se notaron niveles altos en madres (38.4%) y padres (25%). Por último, la dimensión de sobreprotección se orientó a altos porcentajes en cuanto a madres y padres (32.3%, 48.8%), teniendo como evidencia esta forma de práctica en la relación familiar.
Estos resultados generaron mucha preocupación debido al alto riesgo de disfuncionalidad parental, es por ello que se elaboró el programa de intervención
The present study is descriptive and cross-sectional. The general objective is to determine the level of parental styles in 4th and 5th grade students of a state educational institution in Lima Metropolitana. The sample was formed by 164 students between the ages of 14 to 17. The instrument used was Dysfunctional Parenting Styles (MOPS). The results reported that in the scale of parental styles an average level was evidenced in its two subscales: mother and father (62.8%, 78%); likewise, there was a high trend of parental styles (36% and 20.7%) in mothers and fathers respectively. Regarding to the dimension of indifference, high levels were found in both mothers and fathers (31.1%, 31.7%); as well, in the dimension of abuse high levels were noted in mothers (38.4%) and parents (25%). Finally, the dimension of overprotection, was oriented to high percentages in terms of mothers and fathers (32.3%, 48.8%), having as evidence this form of practice in the family relationship. These results generated a lot of concern due to the high risk of parental dysfunctionality, which is why the intervention program was elaborated.
The present study is descriptive and cross-sectional. The general objective is to determine the level of parental styles in 4th and 5th grade students of a state educational institution in Lima Metropolitana. The sample was formed by 164 students between the ages of 14 to 17. The instrument used was Dysfunctional Parenting Styles (MOPS). The results reported that in the scale of parental styles an average level was evidenced in its two subscales: mother and father (62.8%, 78%); likewise, there was a high trend of parental styles (36% and 20.7%) in mothers and fathers respectively. Regarding to the dimension of indifference, high levels were found in both mothers and fathers (31.1%, 31.7%); as well, in the dimension of abuse high levels were noted in mothers (38.4%) and parents (25%). Finally, the dimension of overprotection, was oriented to high percentages in terms of mothers and fathers (32.3%, 48.8%), having as evidence this form of practice in the family relationship. These results generated a lot of concern due to the high risk of parental dysfunctionality, which is why the intervention program was elaborated.
Estilos parentales, Adolescencia, Familia, Abuso, Indiferencia, Sobreprotección, Parental styles, Adolescence, Family, Abuse, Indifference, Overprotection.