El deficiente desarrollo de los talleres y su incidencia en el fin resocializador del condenado, en el centro penitenciario de Moquegua, año 2017
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Entre las facultades que posee el estado es el poder sancionar con pena privativa de libertad, aquel sujeto que cometa un acto delictivo, pero que también debe buscar el bienestar del interno, a fin de poder lograr la redacción ante la sociedad, esto se lograra mediante talleres, disciplina y educación en el centro penitenciario.
El objetivo general es establecer la manera en que el deficiente desarrollo de los talleres incide en el fin resocializador del condenado, en el Centro penitenciario de Moquegua.
Among the faculties that the state possesses is the power to punish with deprivation of liberty, that person who commits a criminal act, but who must also seek the well-being of the inmate, in order to be able to achieve the drafting before the society, this will be achieved through workshops, discipline and education in the penitentiary. The general objective is to establish the way in which the poor development of the workshops affects the resocializing end of the condemned, in the Penitentiary Center of Moquegua
Among the faculties that the state possesses is the power to punish with deprivation of liberty, that person who commits a criminal act, but who must also seek the well-being of the inmate, in order to be able to achieve the drafting before the society, this will be achieved through workshops, discipline and education in the penitentiary. The general objective is to establish the way in which the poor development of the workshops affects the resocializing end of the condemned, in the Penitentiary Center of Moquegua
Talleres, Fin resocializador, Condenado, Reproche penal y reincidencia, Workshops, Resocializing end, Convicted, Criminal reproach and recidivism