Hábitos de estudio en estudiantes del primer ciclo de contabilidad del Instituto Superior Tecnológico Cimas de Lima
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La presente investigación tiene como objetivo conocer los Hábitos de Estudio
predominantes en estudiantes del primer ciclo de contabilidad del Instituto
Superior Tecnológico Cima´s de Lima. La muestra está conformada por 168
estudiantes, varones y mujeres, entre los 17 y 21 años, seleccionados
mediante el muestreo probabilístico aleatorio simple, calculado mediante la
fórmula de muestras aleatorias (nivel de confianza de 95% y un error muestral
de 0.05). Presenta un tipo de investigación descriptiva y diseño no
experimental. Se aplicó el Inventario de Hábitos de estudio (2005) creado por
Luis Alberto Vicuña Peri en 1985. Los resultados muestran que el promedio de
la muestra estudiada presentan hábitos de estudio Positivos ( =36.76).
Mientras las dimensiones Acompañamiento de estudio y Preparación de
exámenes presentan hábitos de estudio con Tendencia negativa o Negativo.
Por ello, el Programa de intervención “Que el estudiar sea un hábito” pretende
fortalecer los hábitos de estudio en las áreas deficientes de los estudiantes, es
decir en el área Acompañamiento de estudio y Preparación de exámenes
The present research aims to know the Habits of Study in students of the first cycle of accounting of the Upper Technological Institute of Lima. The sample consisted of 168 students, male and female, between 17 and 21 years of age, tests using simple probabilistic sampling, calculated using the formula of random samples (95% confidence level and a sampling error of 0.05) . It presents a type of descriptive research and non-experimental design. The Habits Inventory of study (2005) created by Luis Alberto Vicuña Peri in 1985 was applied. The results show that the average of the studied sample present positive study habits ( = 36.76). While the Study Accompaniment and Exam Preparation dimensions present study habits with Negative or Negative Tendency. For this reason, the intervention program "That studying is a habit" aims to strengthen study habits in the areas of students deficient, that is to say, in the area of Study Accompaniment and Preparation of exams.
The present research aims to know the Habits of Study in students of the first cycle of accounting of the Upper Technological Institute of Lima. The sample consisted of 168 students, male and female, between 17 and 21 years of age, tests using simple probabilistic sampling, calculated using the formula of random samples (95% confidence level and a sampling error of 0.05) . It presents a type of descriptive research and non-experimental design. The Habits Inventory of study (2005) created by Luis Alberto Vicuña Peri in 1985 was applied. The results show that the average of the studied sample present positive study habits ( = 36.76). While the Study Accompaniment and Exam Preparation dimensions present study habits with Negative or Negative Tendency. For this reason, the intervention program "That studying is a habit" aims to strengthen study habits in the areas of students deficient, that is to say, in the area of Study Accompaniment and Preparation of exams.
Hábitos de estudio, Estudiantes, Acompañamiento de estudio, Preparación de exámenes, Study habits, Students, Study accompaniment, Exam preparation