Incremento de ventas en agencia de carga internacional trismare Peru S.A.C.
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Universidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega
El presente trabajo ha sido llevado a cabo con el objetivo de analizar como incrementar las ventas en la agencia de carga de transporte internacional Trismare Perú SAC, ya que se ha podido observar disminución en la cantidad de embarques mensuales, perdida de ciertos clientes con los cuales se solía trabajar y menores ganancias en cada operación llevada a cabo, asimismo, se analizaran puntos claves para que las acciones descritas en este proyecto puedan dar resultados esperados. Para realizar este estudio, se ha usado el método de la investigación
The present work has been carried out with the objective of analyzing how to increase sales in the international transport cargo agency Trismare Peru SAC, since it has been possible to observe a decrease in the number of monthly shipments, loss of certain clients with which there used to work and lower profits in each operation carried out, also, evaluate key points will be analyzed so that the actions described in this project can give expected results. To carry out this study, the research method has been used.
The present work has been carried out with the objective of analyzing how to increase sales in the international transport cargo agency Trismare Peru SAC, since it has been possible to observe a decrease in the number of monthly shipments, loss of certain clients with which there used to work and lower profits in each operation carried out, also, evaluate key points will be analyzed so that the actions described in this project can give expected results. To carry out this study, the research method has been used.
Incremento de ventas, Agencia de carga de transporte internacional, Embarques, Clientes, Ganancias, Resultados, Sales increase, International freight agency, Shipments, Customers, Profits, Results