Inadecuado registro de los ingresos y su incidencia en la información financiera de la empresa Salumed S.A.C. en el año 2016
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Universidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega
El presente trabajo de investigación tiene como objetivo principal demostrar que las
empresas en el país no se rigen a las normas establecidas para el Registro de sus
operaciones comerciales, especialmente de los Ingresos y Gastos, manejándolos a
su conveniencia, afectando así la transparencia de su información financiera.
En este caso en particular, nos hemos basado en que el inadecuado registro de los
Ingresos incide en la información financiera de la empresa Salumed S.A.C. en el
año 2016. Esta empresa se dedica a comercializar equipos de laboratorio, cuyo
principal cliente son las entidades del estado. Dado que estos equipos no los venden
con regularidad en el país, se ven obligados a importarlos de países como Estados
Unidos y China; como es de esperarse, no llegan todos en el tiempo establecido por
lo que se atiende a los clientes conforme van llegando sus pedidos, de la misma
manera se reconocen los ingresos.
Los estados financieros son un medio para informar lo que pasa en una empresa,
éstos deben estar adecuadamente valuados y ser presentados oportunamente
mostrando la situación real de la empresa cumpliendo con todas su características.
Se sabe que los ingresos es un elemento preponderante dentro del Estado de
Resultados, por lo cual consideramos que es de vital importancia el momento de su
reconocimiento, a fin de medir razonablemente la gestión de una empresa en un
periodo determinado.
The main objective of this research work is to demonstrate that companies in the country do not follow the rules established for the Registry of their commercial operations, especially Income and Expenses, managing them at their convenience, thus affecting the transparency of their financial information. In this particular case, we will base ourselves on the fact that the inadequate recording of Income affects the financial information of the company Salumed S.A.C. in the year 2016. This company is dedicated to commercialize laboratory equipment, whose main client are the entities of the state. Since these equipments are not commercialized regularly in the country, they are forced to import them from countries such as the United States and China; As expected, they do not all arrive at the established time, so customers are served as their orders arrive, in the same way revenues are recognized. Financial statements are a means to inform what happens in a company, they must be properly valued and presented in a timely manner showing the real situation of the company fulfilling all its characteristics. It is known that the income is a preponderant element in the Income Statement, for which reason we consider that it is of vital importance the moment of its recognition, in order to reasonably measure the management of a company in a determined period.
The main objective of this research work is to demonstrate that companies in the country do not follow the rules established for the Registry of their commercial operations, especially Income and Expenses, managing them at their convenience, thus affecting the transparency of their financial information. In this particular case, we will base ourselves on the fact that the inadequate recording of Income affects the financial information of the company Salumed S.A.C. in the year 2016. This company is dedicated to commercialize laboratory equipment, whose main client are the entities of the state. Since these equipments are not commercialized regularly in the country, they are forced to import them from countries such as the United States and China; As expected, they do not all arrive at the established time, so customers are served as their orders arrive, in the same way revenues are recognized. Financial statements are a means to inform what happens in a company, they must be properly valued and presented in a timely manner showing the real situation of the company fulfilling all its characteristics. It is known that the income is a preponderant element in the Income Statement, for which reason we consider that it is of vital importance the moment of its recognition, in order to reasonably measure the management of a company in a determined period.
Operaciones comerciales, Ingresos, Gastos, Información financiera, Registro, Reconocimiento, Commercial operations, Income, Expenses, Financial information, Recording, Recognition