Enfoque de la terapia física en la reeducación postural
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La postura corporal equilibrada consiste en la alineación del cuerpo con una eficiencia fisiológica y biomecánica, lo que reduce el stress y sobrecargas ejercidas sobre el sistema de sustentación, por los efectos de gravedad, pero esto se puede alterar por factores como el sexo, la edad, herencia, condiciones ambientales, la actividad física, el estado emocional, entre otros. Ante ello se plantean tratamientos como técnicas o métodos de reeducación postural que se centran en restablecer el equilibrio muscular independientemente de las patologías que padezca la persona.
The balanced body posture consists in the alignment of the body with a physiological and biomechanical efficiency, which reduces the stress and overloads exerted on the support system, due to the effects of gravity, but this can be altered by factors such as sex, age, inheritance, environmental conditions, physical activity, emotional state, among others.
The balanced body posture consists in the alignment of the body with a physiological and biomechanical efficiency, which reduces the stress and overloads exerted on the support system, due to the effects of gravity, but this can be altered by factors such as sex, age, inheritance, environmental conditions, physical activity, emotional state, among others.
Reeducación postural, Terapia física, Alteraciones posturales, Equilibrio, RPG, Postural reeducation, Physical therapy, Postural alterations, Balance, RPG