La auditoría interna y su influencia en la rentabilidad de las empresas del “grupo reinmark” - Callao, 2016
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El presente tema fue elegido por el suscrito debido a que, las empresas que integran este Grupo en la Región Callao, revelan tener problemas y deficiencias que afectan la normal efectividad de la su gestión empresarial, que por su desarrollo y crecimiento ameritan implementar una Oficina de Auditoría Interna para mejorar sus controles internos y la revisión de sus operaciones de ingresos y gastos, lo cual coadyuvará en el mejor manejo de sus operaciones mercantiles y la mejor utilización de sus recursos.
The present issue was chosen by the undersigned because the companies that make up this Group in the Callao Region reveal that they have problems and deficiencies that affect the normal effectiveness of their business management. Internal Audit to improve its internal controls and the revision of its operations of income and expenses, which will help in the better management of its commercial operations and the best use of its resources.
The present issue was chosen by the undersigned because the companies that make up this Group in the Callao Region reveal that they have problems and deficiencies that affect the normal effectiveness of their business management. Internal Audit to improve its internal controls and the revision of its operations of income and expenses, which will help in the better management of its commercial operations and the best use of its resources.
Auditoría interna, Rentabilidad, Internal audit, Profitability