Estrategias que reafirman la autoestima en el aprendizaje significativo en los estudiantes de primaria de la I.E. “Perú Japón” Nº 0098 del distrito del Agustino
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Universidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega
La investigación tiene como objetivo determinar la influencia de las estrategias que reafirman la autoestima en el aprendizaje significativo de los estudiantes de primaria de la I.E. “Perú Japón” Nº 0098, del Distrito del Agustino. Se utilizó para alcanzar dicho objetivo el diseño Ex - post facto, asimismo se aplicó como técnica la encuesta a una población constituida por 75 docentes, profesores y alumnos. En cuanto al instrumento de recolección de datos se utilizó el cuestionario que constó de 15 ítems de tipo cerrado, los mismos que se vaciaron en cuadros en donde se calcularon las frecuencias y porcentajes, complementándose con el análisis e interpretación de los resultados, lo cual nos permitió contrastar las hipótesis.
Finalmente se concluyó que las estrategias que reafirman la autoestima influyen positivamente en el aprendizaje significativo de los estudiantes de primaria de la I.E. “Perú Japón” Nº 0098, del Distrito del Agustino
The research aims to determine the influence of strategies that reaffirm self-esteem in the meaningful learning of primary students of the I.E. "Peru Japan" No. 0098, of the District of the Agustino. The ex post facto design was used to reach this objective, and a survey was carried out on a population of 75 teachers, teachers and students. As for the data collection instrument, the questionnaire consisted of 15 closed-type items, the same ones that were emptied in tables where the frequencies and percentages were calculated, complemented by the analysis and interpretation of the results, which Allowed to contrast the hypotheses. Finally, it was concluded that strategies that reaffirm self-esteem positively influence the meaningful learning of primary students of the I.E. "Peru Japan" No. 0098, of the District of the Agustino
The research aims to determine the influence of strategies that reaffirm self-esteem in the meaningful learning of primary students of the I.E. "Peru Japan" No. 0098, of the District of the Agustino. The ex post facto design was used to reach this objective, and a survey was carried out on a population of 75 teachers, teachers and students. As for the data collection instrument, the questionnaire consisted of 15 closed-type items, the same ones that were emptied in tables where the frequencies and percentages were calculated, complemented by the analysis and interpretation of the results, which Allowed to contrast the hypotheses. Finally, it was concluded that strategies that reaffirm self-esteem positively influence the meaningful learning of primary students of the I.E. "Peru Japan" No. 0098, of the District of the Agustino
Estrategias, Autoestima y aprendizaje significativo, Strategies, Self-esteem and meaningful learning