Aplicación de la lista de chequeo de cirugía segura en centro quirúrgico del Hospital Cayetano Heredia – 2017
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Universidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega
Se estima que la incidencia de muerte y complicaciones mayores intrahospitalarias en el perioperatorio, en los países industrializados es del 3% al 17%, respectivamente. Estas cifras podrían ser mayores en los países en desarrollo. Por tal motivo, la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS), elaboró el Listado de Verificación de Seguridad Quirúrgica o Lista de Chequeo de Cirugía Segura, la que pretende ser una herramienta a disposición del equipo de salud para mejorar la seguridad en las intervenciones quirúrgicas y reducir los eventos adversos evitables.
El mismo se enmarca en el Reto Mundial “La Cirugía Segura Salva Vidas”, de la Alianza Mundial para la Seguridad del Paciente de la OMS como respuesta al importante número de errores que suceden en los procedimientos quirúrgicos en todo el mundo, y que en la mitad de los casos son prevenibles con medidas sencillas. Esta lista permite de manera sistemática, revisar aspectos que se han identificado como críticos para la seguridad de los procedimientos quirúrgicos. Esta sistematización de criterios también contribuye al mejoramiento de la comunicación entre los integrantes del equipo en las salas de cirugía. Durante su implementación en Perú y en otros países, se ha adecuado a las condiciones y a los criterios en cada hospital. En el Hospital Cayetano Heredia, ha sido establecida por el MINSA hace años, y su manejo es de conocimiento desde noviembre 2009, fecha que se dio el inicio en el nosocomio.
La lista de verificación de cirugía segura consta de tres fases, siendo la primera fase el éxito “Antes de la inducción anestésica” (Entrada), la enfermera circulante repasará verbalmente con el paciente (cuando sea posible) que se ha confirmado su identidad, la localización de la cirugía y el procedimiento a realizar, y también que se ha obtenido el consentimiento informado para la intervención. La enfermera confirmará visualmente que el sitio de la intervención ha sido marcado (si procede), y repasará verbalmente con el anestesista el riesgo de hemorragia del paciente, la posible dificultad en la vía aérea, y las alergias, así como si se ha completado o no la revisión del total de controles de seguridad de la anestesia.
It is estimated that the incidence of death and major intrahospital complications in the perioperative period in industrialized countries is 3% to 17%, respectively. These figures could be higher in developing countries. For this reason, the World Health Organization (WHO) developed the Surgical Safety Checklist or Safe Surgery Checklist, which pretends to be a tool available to the health team to improve safety in surgical interventions And reduce avoidable adverse events. It is part of the WHO Global Alliance for Patient Safety Global Challenge, "Safe Survival Saved Lives", in response to the significant number of errors that occur in surgical procedures around the world. Half of the cases are preventable with simple measures. This list systematically allows to review aspects that have been identified as critical for the safety of surgical procedures. This systematization of criteria also contributes to the improvement of the communication between the members of the team in the operating rooms. During its implementation in Peru and in other countries, it has adapted to the conditions and the criteria in each hospital. In the Hospital Cayetano Heredia, it has been established by the MINSA years ago, and its management is knowledge since November 2009, date that began in the hospital. The safe surgical checklist consists of three phases, the first phase being "Before anesthetic induction" (Entry), the circulating nurse will verbally review with the patient (when possible) that his / her identity has been confirmed, the location of The surgery and the procedure to be performed, and also that informed consent has been obtained for the intervention. The nurse will visually confirm that the intervention site has been marked (if applicable), and will verbally review with the anesthesiologist the patient's risk of bleeding, possible airway difficulty, and allergies, as well as whether it has been completed or Not the review of total anesthesia safety controls
It is estimated that the incidence of death and major intrahospital complications in the perioperative period in industrialized countries is 3% to 17%, respectively. These figures could be higher in developing countries. For this reason, the World Health Organization (WHO) developed the Surgical Safety Checklist or Safe Surgery Checklist, which pretends to be a tool available to the health team to improve safety in surgical interventions And reduce avoidable adverse events. It is part of the WHO Global Alliance for Patient Safety Global Challenge, "Safe Survival Saved Lives", in response to the significant number of errors that occur in surgical procedures around the world. Half of the cases are preventable with simple measures. This list systematically allows to review aspects that have been identified as critical for the safety of surgical procedures. This systematization of criteria also contributes to the improvement of the communication between the members of the team in the operating rooms. During its implementation in Peru and in other countries, it has adapted to the conditions and the criteria in each hospital. In the Hospital Cayetano Heredia, it has been established by the MINSA years ago, and its management is knowledge since November 2009, date that began in the hospital. The safe surgical checklist consists of three phases, the first phase being "Before anesthetic induction" (Entry), the circulating nurse will verbally review with the patient (when possible) that his / her identity has been confirmed, the location of The surgery and the procedure to be performed, and also that informed consent has been obtained for the intervention. The nurse will visually confirm that the intervention site has been marked (if applicable), and will verbally review with the anesthesiologist the patient's risk of bleeding, possible airway difficulty, and allergies, as well as whether it has been completed or Not the review of total anesthesia safety controls
Aplicación, Lista de chequeo de cirugía segura, Centro quirúrgico, Application, Safe surgery checklist, Surgical center