Uso de entornos virtuales y el fortalecimiento del aprendizaje colaborativo en los estudiantes de primer ciclo de la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad Particular de San Martin de Porres periodo 2016-II
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Universidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega
El objetivo general de esta investigación es establecer la relación entre el uso de entornos virtuales y el fortalecimiento del aprendizaje colaborativo en los estudiantes de primer ciclo de la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad Particular de San Martín de Porres.
El estudio es de enfoque cuantitativo, de nivel descriptivo, y el diseño es correlacional; la población estuvo constituida por los alumnos que cursan el primer ciclo de la carrera de derecho, la muestra se determinó de manera no probabilística siendo el total de la población 100 alumnos, la técnica que se empleó para recolectar información fue una encuesta, y se aplicó como instrumento de recolección de datos un cuestionario diseñado en escala de Likert con el propósito de medir el comportamiento de los indicadores uso de herramientas de comunicación, de gestión de archivos, de edición de contenidos y uso de herramientas de publicación pertenecientes a la variable uso de entornos virtuales y de la variable aprendizaje colaborativo participación en equipos virtuales, gestión de la información, revisión criticas de trabajos, formación de comunidades de aprendizaje, realización de tareas en cooperación, intercambio de recursos en comunidades de aprendizaje virtuales, resolución de conflictos constructivamente, disponibilidad de recibir críticas constructivas y capacidad de dialogo en foros de discusión.
La técnica estadística que se empleó para la contrastación de hipótesis fue correlación de Sperman cuyos resultados nos permitió concluir que el uso de entornos virtuales se relaciona positivamente con el fortalecimiento del aprendizaje colaborativo en alumnos del primer ciclo de la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad particular de San Martín de Porres.
The general objective of this research is to establish the relationship between the use of virtual environments and the strengthening of collaborative learning in the first cycle students of the Faculty of Law of the Particular University of San Martín de Porres. The study is of a quantitative descriptive, and the design is correlational; the population was constituted by the students that study the first cycle of the law degree, the sample was determined in a non-probabilistic way, with the total population of 100 students, the technique used to collect information was a survey, and was applied As a data collection instrument, a questionnaire designed on a Likert scale with the purpose of measuring the behavior of the indicators, using communication tools, file management, content editing and use of publication tools belonging to the variable use of virtual environments and the variable collaborative learning participation in virtual teams, information management, review of critical work, formation of learning communities, accomplishment of tasks in cooperation, exchange of resources in virtual learning communities, conflict resolution constructively, availability to receive criticism constructive and capacity for dialogue in discussion forums. The statistical technique used for hypothesis testing was Sperman correlation whose results allowed us to conclude that the use of virtual environments is positively related to the strengthening of collaborative learning students of the first cycle of the Law Faculty of the particular University of San Martín de Porres.
The general objective of this research is to establish the relationship between the use of virtual environments and the strengthening of collaborative learning in the first cycle students of the Faculty of Law of the Particular University of San Martín de Porres. The study is of a quantitative descriptive, and the design is correlational; the population was constituted by the students that study the first cycle of the law degree, the sample was determined in a non-probabilistic way, with the total population of 100 students, the technique used to collect information was a survey, and was applied As a data collection instrument, a questionnaire designed on a Likert scale with the purpose of measuring the behavior of the indicators, using communication tools, file management, content editing and use of publication tools belonging to the variable use of virtual environments and the variable collaborative learning participation in virtual teams, information management, review of critical work, formation of learning communities, accomplishment of tasks in cooperation, exchange of resources in virtual learning communities, conflict resolution constructively, availability to receive criticism constructive and capacity for dialogue in discussion forums. The statistical technique used for hypothesis testing was Sperman correlation whose results allowed us to conclude that the use of virtual environments is positively related to the strengthening of collaborative learning students of the first cycle of the Law Faculty of the particular University of San Martín de Porres.
Entorno virtual, Aprendizaje colaborativo, Interacción, Autoaprendizaje, Virtual environment, Collaborative learning, Interaction, Self-learning