Actitudes maternas en madres adolescentes primerizas en el Centro Materno Infantil Nuestra Señora de la Asunción de Chilca
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Universidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega
La presente investigación estudió los niveles de actitud materna en un
grupo de madres adolescentes primerizas en el Centro Materno Infantil
“Nuestra Señora de la Asunción” que pertenece al distrito de Chilca de la
provincia de Cañete de la región Lima provincias. Tuvo como objetivo
general conocer los tipos de actitudes maternas en madres adolescentes
primerizas de este Centro Materno Infantil. La metodología empleada es de
diseño no experimental y tipo descriptivo. Se aplicaron entrevistas para
administrar la escala de actitudes maternas desarrollada por Roth (1965).
Los hallazgos encontraron muestran que el nivel de aceptación en el Centro
Materno Infantil “Nuestra Señora de la Asunción de Chilca” comprende una
actitud alta. El nivel de rechazo alcanza una actitud alta. El nivel de
sobreprotección comprende una actitud muy alta. Y el nivel de
sobreindulgencia presenta una tendencia al nivel muy alto. El estudio
alcanza recomendaciones en torno a evaluar las actitudes maternas en los
centros de salud, así como proponer un programa de intervención para
identificar y promover nuevas y mejores formas de vínculo materno-filial y,
por otro lado, reducir la actitud de sobreprotección, sobreindulgencia y
rechazo de las madres hacia sus hijos.
The present research studied the levels of maternal attitude in a group of first-time adolescent mothers in the Mother and Child Center "Our Lady of the Assumption of Chilca", located in the Chorrillos district of the city of Lima. Its general objective was to know the types of maternal attitudes in first-time adolescent mothers of this Maternal and Child Center. The methodology used is of non-experimental design and descriptive type. Interviews were applied to administer the scale of maternal attitudes developed by Roth (1965). The findings found that the level of acceptance in the Mother and Child Center "Our Lady of the Assumption of Chilca" includes a high attitude. The level of rejection reaches a high attitude. The level of overprotection comprises a very high attitude. And the level of overindulgence presents a tendency to the very high level. The study provides recommendations on evaluating maternal attitudes in health centers, as well as proposing an intervention program to identify and promote new and better forms of maternal-child bonding and, on the other hand, reduce the attitude of overprotection, overindulgence and rejection of mothers towards their children.
The present research studied the levels of maternal attitude in a group of first-time adolescent mothers in the Mother and Child Center "Our Lady of the Assumption of Chilca", located in the Chorrillos district of the city of Lima. Its general objective was to know the types of maternal attitudes in first-time adolescent mothers of this Maternal and Child Center. The methodology used is of non-experimental design and descriptive type. Interviews were applied to administer the scale of maternal attitudes developed by Roth (1965). The findings found that the level of acceptance in the Mother and Child Center "Our Lady of the Assumption of Chilca" includes a high attitude. The level of rejection reaches a high attitude. The level of overprotection comprises a very high attitude. And the level of overindulgence presents a tendency to the very high level. The study provides recommendations on evaluating maternal attitudes in health centers, as well as proposing an intervention program to identify and promote new and better forms of maternal-child bonding and, on the other hand, reduce the attitude of overprotection, overindulgence and rejection of mothers towards their children.
Actitud materna, Madres adolescentes, Rechazo, Aceptación, Sobreindulgencia, Sobreprotección, Maternal attitude, Adolescent mothers, Rejection, Acceptance, Overindulgence, Overprotection