Manejo fisioterapéutico en la optimización en la broncodilatación en ventilación mecánica invasiva
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La broncodilatación es el aumento del diámetro o de la luz de los bronquios, lo que permite un mayor flujo de aire hacia los pulmones por ellos el aporte de los broncodilatadores que son fármacos capaces de relajar el músculo liso de las vías respiratorias; su uso clínico se basa en dos puntos: primero, que en la enfermedad que se pretende tratar, el componente motor (broncoconstricción) tiene un papel significativo, y segundo, que este componente motor es de naturaleza reversible e influenciable por fármacos relajantes.
Bronchodilation is the increase in the diameter or light of the bronchi, which allows a greater flow of air to the lungs by them the contribution of bronchodilators that are drugs capable of relaxing the smooth muscle of the respiratory tract; its clinical use is based on two points: first, that in the disease to be treated, the motor component (bronchoconstriction) has a significant role, and second, that this motor component is reversible in nature and can be influenced by relaxing drugs.
Bronchodilation is the increase in the diameter or light of the bronchi, which allows a greater flow of air to the lungs by them the contribution of bronchodilators that are drugs capable of relaxing the smooth muscle of the respiratory tract; its clinical use is based on two points: first, that in the disease to be treated, the motor component (bronchoconstriction) has a significant role, and second, that this motor component is reversible in nature and can be influenced by relaxing drugs.
Ventilación mecánica invasiva, Broncodilatación, Manejo fisioterapéutico en ventilación mecánica invasiva, Manejo clínico en ventilación mecánica invasiva, Broncodilatación en ventilación mecánica, Invasive mechanical ventilation, Bronchodilation, Physiotherapeutic management in invasive mechanical ventilation, Clinical management in invasive mechanical ventilation, Bronchodilation in mechanical ventilation