Actitud hacia la homosexualidad en estudiantes del I, II y III ciclo de la facultad de ingeniería civil de una universidad privada de Lima, 2017-II
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La presente investigación tiene por objetivo identificar el nivel de actitud hacia la homosexualidad de los estudiantes del I, II y III ciclo de la facultad de ingeniería civil en una universidad privada de Lima, en el período de estudio 2017-II. La investigación se caracteriza por ser de tipo descriptivo, diseño no experimental y de enfoque mixto. Para la obtención de los datos estadísticos se aplicaron dos técnicas: la encuesta y la entrevista; siendo los instrumentos de la primera, dos cuestionarios: datos sociodemográficos constituida por 8 ítems y la escala de actitudes hacia la homosexualidad, constituidos con 27 ítems, y de la segunda: la guía de entrevista a psicólogos de la universidad para obtener una mirada multidisciplinaria sobre el tema a investigar. La población total está compuesta por 135 estudiantes, los cuales componen la muestra. Se concluye que el 28.89% de los estudiantes se encuentran en un nivel de moderada actitud de rechazo hacia la homosexualidad, siendo los principales factores socioculturales que influyen: el género, religión, procedencia y tipo de familia.
The present investigation aims to identify the level of attitude towards homosexuality of the students of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd cycle of the faculty of civil engineering in a private university in the period of study 2017-II. It is characterized by being descriptive, non-experimental design and mixed-focus. To obtain the statistical data, two techniques were applied: the survey and the interview; being the instruments of the first, two questionnaires: sociodemographic data consisting of 8 items and the scale of attitudes toward homosexuality, consisting of 27 items, and the second: the interview guide to psychologists of the university to obtain a multidisciplinary view on the subject to investigate. The total population is composed of 135 students, which make up the sample. It is concluded that 28.89% of the students are at a level of moderate attitude of rejection towards homosexuality, being the main sociocultural factors that influence: gender, religion, origin and type of family
The present investigation aims to identify the level of attitude towards homosexuality of the students of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd cycle of the faculty of civil engineering in a private university in the period of study 2017-II. It is characterized by being descriptive, non-experimental design and mixed-focus. To obtain the statistical data, two techniques were applied: the survey and the interview; being the instruments of the first, two questionnaires: sociodemographic data consisting of 8 items and the scale of attitudes toward homosexuality, consisting of 27 items, and the second: the interview guide to psychologists of the university to obtain a multidisciplinary view on the subject to investigate. The total population is composed of 135 students, which make up the sample. It is concluded that 28.89% of the students are at a level of moderate attitude of rejection towards homosexuality, being the main sociocultural factors that influence: gender, religion, origin and type of family
Actitud, Rechazo, Homosexualidad, Factores socioculturales, Estudiantes, Attitude, Rejection, Homosexuality, Sociocultural factors, Students