Condiciones laborales, salud ocupacional y satisfacción laboral de los trabajadores de la compañía minera Santa Rosa
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Universidad inca Garcilaso de la Vega
El presente trabajo de investigacion tuvo como objetivo, determinar la influencia
de las condiciones de trabajo en la salud ocupacional y satisfaccion laboral de
los trabajadores de la compania Minera Santa Rosa.
Respecto a los aspectos metodologicos del trabajo, el tipo de investigacion fue
el descriptivo y el nivel explicativo.
La poblacion objeto de estudio, estuvo conformada por el personal de
Laboratorio Quimico de la Compania Minera Santa Rosa.
El numero de trabajadores es: 24 empleados y 25 obreros, siendo total 49
Debido al pequeno tamano de la poblacion se considero como muestra a toda
la poblacion, es decir los 49 trabajadores del Laboratorio Quimico de la
Compania Minera Santa Rosa, a las cuales se les aplico el instrumento que
consto de 35 preguntas, utilizando la escala de likert con alternativas de
respuesta multiple.
Se procedio a analizar los resultados, luego se realizo la contrastacion de
hipotesis, utilizando la prueba estadistica conocida como coeficiente de
correlacion de SPEARMAN, debido a que las variables de estudio son
Finalmente, se pudo determinar que Las condiciones de trabajo influyen
negativamente en la salud ocupacional y satisfaccion laboral de los
trabajadores de la compania Minera Santa Rosa
The objective of this research was to determine the influence of working conditions on occupational health and job satisfaction of Minera Santa Rosa workers. Regarding the methodological aspects of the work, the type of research was the descriptive and explicative level. The population under study was made up of the Chemical Laboratory staff of the Minera Santa Rosa Mining Company. The number of workers is: 24 employees and 25 workers, totaling 49 workers. Due to the small size of the population, the entire population was considered as a sample, that is to say, the 49 workers of the Chemical Laboratory of the Minera Santa Rosa Mining Company, to whom the instrument consisting of 35 questions was applied, using the likert scale with multiple response alternatives. We proceeded to analyze the results, then we performed the hypothesis testing, using the statistical test known as the correlation coefficient of SPEARMAN, because the study variables are qualitative. Finally, it was possible to determine that Working conditions negatively affect occupational health and job satisfaction of Minera Santa Rosa workers.
The objective of this research was to determine the influence of working conditions on occupational health and job satisfaction of Minera Santa Rosa workers. Regarding the methodological aspects of the work, the type of research was the descriptive and explicative level. The population under study was made up of the Chemical Laboratory staff of the Minera Santa Rosa Mining Company. The number of workers is: 24 employees and 25 workers, totaling 49 workers. Due to the small size of the population, the entire population was considered as a sample, that is to say, the 49 workers of the Chemical Laboratory of the Minera Santa Rosa Mining Company, to whom the instrument consisting of 35 questions was applied, using the likert scale with multiple response alternatives. We proceeded to analyze the results, then we performed the hypothesis testing, using the statistical test known as the correlation coefficient of SPEARMAN, because the study variables are qualitative. Finally, it was possible to determine that Working conditions negatively affect occupational health and job satisfaction of Minera Santa Rosa workers.
Condiciones de trabajo, Salud ocupacional, Satisfacción laboral, Work conditions, Occupational health, Work satisfaction