Cuidado de enfermería en paciente con insuficiencia cardiaca congestiva, en el servicio de emergencias del hospital María Auxiliadora
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Universidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega
El presente trabajo académico es el caso clínico de un paciente que se encuentra en el servicio de emergencia del Hospital María Auxiliadora con diagnóstico médico de Insuficiencia Cardiaca Congestiva, enfermedad en la cual el corazón ya no puede bombear sangre a todo el organismo en forma eficiente, ocasionando graves problemas a nivel sistémico. El objetivo del presente trabajo es desarrollar y proponer estrategias de intervención de enfermería para pacientes con este tipo de patología. En el desarrollo del presente caso clínico se aplicó el Proceso del cuidado de Enfermería integrada por 5 etapas, metodología con rigor científico, sus etapas son sucesivas y se relacionan entre sí, es flexible, adaptable y aplicable. Su ejecución permite a la enfermera especialista la integridad de los cuidados.
The present academical work is the clinical case of a patient who is in the emergency service of the Maria Auxiliadora Hospital diagnosis of Congestive Heart Failure, a disease that the heart can no longer efficiently pump blood throughout the body, causing serious problems at a systemic level. The objective of this present work is to develop and propose nursing intervention strategies for patients with this type of pathology. In addition, in the development of the present clinical case it aplied the Nursing Care Process integrated by 5 stages, methodology with scientific rigor, its stages are successive and are related to each other, it is flexible, adaptable and applicable
The present academical work is the clinical case of a patient who is in the emergency service of the Maria Auxiliadora Hospital diagnosis of Congestive Heart Failure, a disease that the heart can no longer efficiently pump blood throughout the body, causing serious problems at a systemic level. The objective of this present work is to develop and propose nursing intervention strategies for patients with this type of pathology. In addition, in the development of the present clinical case it aplied the Nursing Care Process integrated by 5 stages, methodology with scientific rigor, its stages are successive and are related to each other, it is flexible, adaptable and applicable
Paciente, Cuidados, Insuficiencia cardiaca, Patient, Care, Insufficiency cardiac