La validez de los medios probatorios en el proceso de investigación penal y la tipificación de los delitos de violación sexual en San Juan de Lurigancho
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Universidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega
La investigación tuvo como objetivo determinar la influencia de la validez de los medios probatorios en el proceso de investigación penal en la tipificación de los delitos de violación sexual. Se utilizó para alcanzar dicho objetivo el método Expost-Facto y un diseño no experimental, asimismo la población objeto estuvo constituida por 425 profesionales del derecho conformado por Jueces, Fiscales y abogados litigantes especializados en el área penal. Al calcular el tamaño de la muestra se trabajó finalmente con 202 personas
The investigation had as objective to determine the influence of the validity of the evidential means in the criminal investigation process in the classification of rape crimes. The Expost-Facto method and a non- experimental design were used to reach this objective, as well as the target population constituted by 425 legal professionals made up of Judges, Prosecutors and litigation lawyers specialized in the criminal area. When calculating the sample size, we finally worked with 202 people
The investigation had as objective to determine the influence of the validity of the evidential means in the criminal investigation process in the classification of rape crimes. The Expost-Facto method and a non- experimental design were used to reach this objective, as well as the target population constituted by 425 legal professionals made up of Judges, Prosecutors and litigation lawyers specialized in the criminal area. When calculating the sample size, we finally worked with 202 people
La validez de los medios probatorios, Proceso de investigación penal, Tipificación de los delitos, Violación sexual, The validity of probative means, Criminal investigation process, Typification, Crimes of sexual