Propuesta de mejora del proceso de armado de núcleo para incrementar la productividad en la fabricación de transformadores de la empresa DELCROSA S.A.
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Universidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega
El desarrollo de la presente investigación tiene como objetivo principal
determinar cómo la propuesta de mejora en el proceso de armado de núcleo
incrementará la productividad en la fabricación de transformadores de la
empresa DELCROSA S.A. La investigación es de tipo aplicada con un diseño
analítico prospectivo, teniendo como población a los 10 colaboradores
operativos de la empresa, la técnica de recolección fue el análisis documental,
para el procesamiento se empleó el diagrama de operaciones del proceso,
diagrama de Ishikawa y la herramienta SMED.
La propuesta de mejora estuvo basada en la herramienta SMED, donde se
detalló las 4 fases: 1. Análisis situacional del proceso de armado de núcleo y
descripción de las actividades. 2 clasificaciones de las actividades internas y
externas. 3 conversiones de actividades de internas a externas y finalmente la
fase 4 que es la estandarización del método de trabajo y los tiempos.
Asimismo, se elaboró un plan de trabajo describiendo cada actividad a ejecutar
en la empresa. Al ver los resultados iniciales del proceso de armado de núcleo
y detalle de las 4 fases de la herramienta a utilizar, se espera que la propuesta
de mejora incremente la productividad en la fabricación de transformadores de
la empresa DELCROSA S.A, reduciendo el tiempo de armado del núcleo,
aumento de la eficacia y eficiencia en el proceso de armado de núcleo.
En conclusión: se espera una reducción del 33.3% del tiempo de armado,
pasando de 9.6 horas a solo 6.4 horas, incrementando la producción de
transformadores de la empresa Delcrosa S.A de 20 núcleos a 30 núcleos
representando un incremento de la productividad del 50%
The main objective of the present investigation is to determine the proposal for improvement in the core development process to increase the productivity in the manufacture of transformers of the company DELCROSA SA. The research is of the type applied with a prospective analytical design, having as a population the 10 operative collaborators of the company, the collection technique to the documentary analysis, for the processing the operation diagram of the process, Ishikawa diagram and the SMED The improvement proposal was based on the SMED tool, where the 4 phases were detailed: 1. Situational analysis of the core process and the description of the activities. 2 classifications of internal and external activities. 3 conversions from internal to external activities and finally phase 4, which is the standardization of the work method and times. Likewise, a work plan was drawn up describing each activity to be carried out in the company. Seeing the initial results of the core assembly process and detail of the 4 phases of the tool to be used, it is expected that the improvement proposal increases the productivity in the manufacture of transformers of the company DELCROSA SA, reducing the armed time of the core, increased efficiency and efficiency in the core assembly process. In conclusion: a reduction of 33.3%-armed time is expected, time from 9.6 hours to only 6.4 hours, increase in the production of transformers of the company Delcrosa S.A from 20 cores to 30 cores representing an impression of productivity of 50%
The main objective of the present investigation is to determine the proposal for improvement in the core development process to increase the productivity in the manufacture of transformers of the company DELCROSA SA. The research is of the type applied with a prospective analytical design, having as a population the 10 operative collaborators of the company, the collection technique to the documentary analysis, for the processing the operation diagram of the process, Ishikawa diagram and the SMED The improvement proposal was based on the SMED tool, where the 4 phases were detailed: 1. Situational analysis of the core process and the description of the activities. 2 classifications of internal and external activities. 3 conversions from internal to external activities and finally phase 4, which is the standardization of the work method and times. Likewise, a work plan was drawn up describing each activity to be carried out in the company. Seeing the initial results of the core assembly process and detail of the 4 phases of the tool to be used, it is expected that the improvement proposal increases the productivity in the manufacture of transformers of the company DELCROSA SA, reducing the armed time of the core, increased efficiency and efficiency in the core assembly process. In conclusion: a reduction of 33.3%-armed time is expected, time from 9.6 hours to only 6.4 hours, increase in the production of transformers of the company Delcrosa S.A from 20 cores to 30 cores representing an impression of productivity of 50%
Propuesta de mejora, Proceso, Armado de núcleo, Productividad, Transformadores, Proposal for improvement, Process, Core assembly, Productivity, Transformers