Actitudes maternas en madres con hijos de Educación Inicial de la Institución Educativa Genios en Pañales en S.J.M
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La presente investigación es de tipo aplicada, con un enfoque cuantitativo, nivel descriptivo y diseño no experimental de corte transversal. Tuvo como objetivo general determinar las actitudes maternas en madres con hijos de Educación Inicial de la Institución Educativa Genios en Pañales en San Juan de Miraflores, la muestra estuvo compuesta por 44 madres con hijos de Educación Inicial (niños de 3 a 5 años). El instrumento utilizado fue el Cuestionario de Actitudes maternas de la relación madre- niño, adaptada en Perú (Arévalo, 2005). La información fue procesada mediante el programa SPSS 22. Los resultados señalan que el 45% de las madres presentan una actitud materna de aceptación, el 50% actitud materna de sobreprotección, el 5% actitud materna de sobreindulgencia y el 0% actitud materna de rechazo. Las tres últimas son consideradas actitudes maternas negativas, con lo cual se elaboró el programa de intervención de acorde a la puntuación elevada
The present research is applied type, with a quantitative approach, descriptive level and non-experimental cross-sectional design. The main objective was to determine maternal attitudes in mothers with children of Initial Education of the Educational Institution Genios en Pañales in San Juan de Miraflores, the sample was composed of 44 mothers with children of Initial Education (children from 3 to 5 years). The instrument used was the Maternal Attitudes Questionnaire towards the mother-child relationship, adapted in Peru (Arévalo, 2005). The information was processed through the SPSS program. The results indicate that 45% of the mothers present a maternal attitude of acceptance, 50% maternal attitude of overprotection, 5% maternal attitude of overindulgence and 0% maternal attitude of rejection . The last three are considered negative maternal attitudes, with which the intervention program according to the high score was elaborated
The present research is applied type, with a quantitative approach, descriptive level and non-experimental cross-sectional design. The main objective was to determine maternal attitudes in mothers with children of Initial Education of the Educational Institution Genios en Pañales in San Juan de Miraflores, the sample was composed of 44 mothers with children of Initial Education (children from 3 to 5 years). The instrument used was the Maternal Attitudes Questionnaire towards the mother-child relationship, adapted in Peru (Arévalo, 2005). The information was processed through the SPSS program. The results indicate that 45% of the mothers present a maternal attitude of acceptance, 50% maternal attitude of overprotection, 5% maternal attitude of overindulgence and 0% maternal attitude of rejection . The last three are considered negative maternal attitudes, with which the intervention program according to the high score was elaborated
Actitud materna, Madres, Educación inicial, Maternal attitude, Mothers, Initial education