El delito de lavado de activos y el proceso de pérdida de dominio en la legislación penal Peruana
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Universidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega
El objetivo general del estudio es determinar la relación que existe entre el
Delito de Lavado de Activos y el proceso de pérdida de dominio en la
legislación penal peruana.
El tipo de investigación es Aplicada y el nivel de investigación es Descriptivo. El
diseño de investigación es Correlacional. La población del estudio esta
constituida por 60 especialistas de Lavado de activos, en tanto la muestra es
de 52 especialistas con un muestreo probabilístico. El instrumento utilizado es
el cuestionario validado por 3 doctores en derecho, para obtener el coeficiente
de validez de 0.89, que indica buena validez. A su vez, la confiablidad del
instrumento, mediante el coeficiente de alfa de Crombach es 0.866, que indica
una consistencia alta.
The general objective of the study is to determine the relationship that exists between the Asset Laundering Crime and the process of loss of ownership in Peruvian criminal legislation. The type of research is Applied and the level of research is Descriptive. The research design is Correlational. The population of the study is constituted by 60 specialists of Money laundering, while the sample is of 52 specialists with a probabilistic sampling. The instrument used is the questionnaire validated by 3 doctors in law, to obtain the coefficient of validity of 0.89, which indicates good validity. In turn, the reliability of the instrument, using Crombach's alpha coefficient is 0.866, which indicates a high consistency
The general objective of the study is to determine the relationship that exists between the Asset Laundering Crime and the process of loss of ownership in Peruvian criminal legislation. The type of research is Applied and the level of research is Descriptive. The research design is Correlational. The population of the study is constituted by 60 specialists of Money laundering, while the sample is of 52 specialists with a probabilistic sampling. The instrument used is the questionnaire validated by 3 doctors in law, to obtain the coefficient of validity of 0.89, which indicates good validity. In turn, the reliability of the instrument, using Crombach's alpha coefficient is 0.866, which indicates a high consistency
Proceso penal, Delito de lavado de activos, Proceso de pérdida de dominio, Prueba indiciaria, Origen ilícito de activos, Criminal prosecution, Money laundering offense, Process of loss of title, Evidentiary evidence, Illicit origin of assets