Enfoque fisioterapéutico en rehabilitación vestibular
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El sistema propioceptivo y el sistema vestibular trabajan juntos en armonía con el cerebro, esto hace que el sistema vestibular permite que el individuo se adapte controlando tanto la estabilidad visual y corporal. Fisiológicamente, el sistema vestibular permite al individuo adaptarse al medio, procesando su ubicación en el medio y auto conciencia corporal. Los diversos estudios y pruebas de evaluación permiten evaluar el equilibrio en su totalidad.
The proprioceptive system and the vestibular system work together in harmony with the brain, this makes the vestibular system allows the individual to adapt controlling both visual and body stability. Physiologically, the vestibular system allows the individual to adapt to the environment, processing its location in the middle and body self-awareness. The various studies and evaluation tests allow to evaluate the balance in its entirety.
The proprioceptive system and the vestibular system work together in harmony with the brain, this makes the vestibular system allows the individual to adapt controlling both visual and body stability. Physiologically, the vestibular system allows the individual to adapt to the environment, processing its location in the middle and body self-awareness. The various studies and evaluation tests allow to evaluate the balance in its entirety.
Sistema vestibular, Disfunción vestibular, Trastorno vestibular, Rehabilitación vestibular, Terapia física, Ejercicios vestibulares, Vestibular system, Vestibular dysfunction, Vestibular disorder, Vestibular
rehabilitation, Physical therapy, Vestibular exercises