Ausentismo laboral de los colaboradores de la empresa teleatento del Perú S.A.C. - sede Callao durante el periodo 2018
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El ausentismo laboral en la actualidad es una realidad que afecta a toda organización, suele ser en su mayoría justificada, por lo tanto, se debe aplicar normas y tomar acciones adecuadas para su disminución. El objetivo del presente estudio de investigación es determinar el nivel de ausentismo laboral de los trabajadores de la Empresa Teleatento del Perú S.A.C. - Sede Callao durante el periodo 2018, mediante sus cuatro dimensiones; motivación, clima organizacional, adaptación y políticas inadecuadas de trabajo. Metodología.
Absenteeism is currently a problem that is solved throughout the organization, generally it is a matter that must be applied to the norms and appropriate measures for its reduction. The objective of this research study is to determine the level of work absenteeism of the employees of Teleatento del Peru S.A.C. - Callao headquarters during the 2018 period, through its four dimensions; Motivation, work climate, adaptation and inadequate work policies.
Absenteeism is currently a problem that is solved throughout the organization, generally it is a matter that must be applied to the norms and appropriate measures for its reduction. The objective of this research study is to determine the level of work absenteeism of the employees of Teleatento del Peru S.A.C. - Callao headquarters during the 2018 period, through its four dimensions; Motivation, work climate, adaptation and inadequate work policies.
Ausentismo laboral, Colaboradores, Motivación, Clima organizacional, Nivel de ausentismo, Work absenteeism, Collaborators motivation, Inadequate work policies, Level of absenteeism