Estilos parentales de los progenitores de adolescentes de un programa social de la Municipalidad de Santiago de Surco, 2017
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La investigación es del tipo aplicada descriptiva, con un enfoque descriptivo cuantitativo, de diseño no experimental con corte transversal descriptivo. El objetivo general es determinar los estilos parentales de los progenitores de adolescentes de un programa social de la Municipalidad de Santiago de Surco en el verano 2017; la muestra es intencional no probabilística y está compuesta por 55 participantes de entre 12 y 18 años. Además, se utilizó la Escala de Estilos de Crianza de Lawrence Steinberg, adaptada por César Merino en el Perú en 2009. El estudio encontró que el estilo predominante de los progenitores es el estilo autoritativo, que se caracteriza por tener altos niveles en los componentes de compromiso, control conductual y autonomía psicológica. Por esta razón, se ha propuesto un programa de prevención para confirmar la veracidad de los resultados y fortalecer los vínculos entre padres e hijos durante 8 sesiones.
The research is of the applied descriptive type, with a quantitative descriptive approach, of non - experimental design with descriptive transversal cut. The general objective is to determine the parental styles of the progenitors of adolescents of a social program of the Municipality of Santiago of Surco in summer 2017; The sample is intentional non-probabilistic and is composed of 55 participants between 12 and 18 years. In addition, the Lawrence Steinberg Foster Styles Scale, adapted by César Merino in Peru in 2009, was used. The study found that the predominant style of the parents is the authoritative style, which is characterized by high levels in the components of Commitment, behavioral control and psychological autonomy. For this reason, a prevention program has been proposed to confirm the veracity of the results and strengthen the links between parents and children for 8 sessions.
The research is of the applied descriptive type, with a quantitative descriptive approach, of non - experimental design with descriptive transversal cut. The general objective is to determine the parental styles of the progenitors of adolescents of a social program of the Municipality of Santiago of Surco in summer 2017; The sample is intentional non-probabilistic and is composed of 55 participants between 12 and 18 years. In addition, the Lawrence Steinberg Foster Styles Scale, adapted by César Merino in Peru in 2009, was used. The study found that the predominant style of the parents is the authoritative style, which is characterized by high levels in the components of Commitment, behavioral control and psychological autonomy. For this reason, a prevention program has been proposed to confirm the veracity of the results and strengthen the links between parents and children for 8 sessions.
Estilos parentales, Familia, Adolescentes, Parenting styles, Family, Adolescents