Factores socio demográficos y presencia de sobrepeso en niños de 3 a 5 años, centro de salud pedregal, Surquillo, 2017
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El sobrepeso y la obesidad son problemas de salud pública alcanzando una alta prevalencia entre niños y adolescentes en los países desarrollados y subdesarrollados, el objetivo es determinar la relación que existe entre los factores sociodemográfico y el sobrepeso en niños de 3 a 5 años, se utilizó estudio de método descriptivo, diseño correlacional tipo cuantitativo, la muestra utilizada fue de 100 niños, para la recolección de datos se utilizó como instrumento un cuestionario de 28 ítems, con el cual se midieron las variables de estudio; para el análisis de los datos, se utilizó el programa spss versión 21, con resultado en el factor sociodemográfico el 42% presenta nivel medio y el 26% un nivel bajo, que en cuanto a la presencia de sobrepeso el 41% presenta un nivel medio y el 24% nivel bajo.
En conclusión Los factores sociodemográficos están relacionados directa y positivamente con la variable presencia de sobrepeso, según la correlación de Spearman de 0.623 representado este resultado como moderado con una significancia estadística de p=0.001 siendo menor que el 0.05. Por lo tanto, se acepta la hipótesis específica y se rechaza la hipótesis nula
Overweight and obesity are public health issues, achieving a high prevalence between children and adolescents in developed and underdeveloped countries, the purpose is established the relationship between the sociodemographic factors and overweight children aged between 3 and 5 years, a descriptive methods' study was used, a correlational design type quantitative, the sample used was 100 children,, for data collection, a 28-item questionnaire was used as a tool, in which the study´s variables were measured, and was previously validated by expert's wisdom, We use a program named spss version 2.1 for data analysis with a result in the sociodemographic factor, 42% present medium level and 26% in the low level; In respect of overweight presence, 41% have a medium level and 24% have a low level. In conclusion, the sociodemographic factors are directly and positively related with the presence of overweight variable according Spearman's correlation of 0.623 represented this result like moderate with a statistical significance of p = 0.001 being less than 0.05, Therefore, second specific hypothesis is accepted and the null hypothesis is rejected
Overweight and obesity are public health issues, achieving a high prevalence between children and adolescents in developed and underdeveloped countries, the purpose is established the relationship between the sociodemographic factors and overweight children aged between 3 and 5 years, a descriptive methods' study was used, a correlational design type quantitative, the sample used was 100 children,, for data collection, a 28-item questionnaire was used as a tool, in which the study´s variables were measured, and was previously validated by expert's wisdom, We use a program named spss version 2.1 for data analysis with a result in the sociodemographic factor, 42% present medium level and 26% in the low level; In respect of overweight presence, 41% have a medium level and 24% have a low level. In conclusion, the sociodemographic factors are directly and positively related with the presence of overweight variable according Spearman's correlation of 0.623 represented this result like moderate with a statistical significance of p = 0.001 being less than 0.05, Therefore, second specific hypothesis is accepted and the null hypothesis is rejected
Sobrepeso, Obesidad, Problemas de salud, Factores socio demográficos, Alimentación saludable, Overweight, Obesity, Health problems, Sociodemographic factors, Healthy eating