Alcances de la cultura tributaria en el cumplimiento de las obligaciones de los contribuyentes de las empresas textiles de Lima Metropolitana
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Universidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega
Cultura tributaria es un tema de gran interés ya que de ella se desglosan
todos los impuestos que son de beneficio para nuestro país y cada uno de los
integrantes que lo conforman. Podemos mencionar como fundamental el uso y
la importancia de obtener el número de identificación tributaria (NIT) ya que con
esta identificación podemos adquirir nuestra factura, y así contribuir al país
pagando el iva de cada uno de nuestros productos
Tax culture is a subject of great interest since it breaks down all the taxes that are of benefit to our country and each of the members that comprise it. We can mention as fundamental the use and importance of obtaining the tax identification number (NIT) because with this identification we can acquire our invoice, and thus contribute to the country by paying the VAT of each of our products.
Tax culture is a subject of great interest since it breaks down all the taxes that are of benefit to our country and each of the members that comprise it. We can mention as fundamental the use and importance of obtaining the tax identification number (NIT) because with this identification we can acquire our invoice, and thus contribute to the country by paying the VAT of each of our products.
Cultura tributaria, Obligación tributaria, Acreedor, Conciencia tributaria, Contribuyente, Tax culture, Tax obligation, Creditor, Tax awareness, Taxpayer